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Ch. 21 From 1900 to the Present.

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1 Ch. 21 From 1900 to the Present

2 Georges Braque. Houses at l’Estaque. 1908.
From cezanne. Shapes. Georges Braque. Houses at l’Estaque 28 3/4 x 23 3/4 in.

3 Cubism – A style of art pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in the early 20th century, noted for the geometry of its forms, its fragmentation of the object, and its increasing abstraction.

4 Georges Braque. Violin and Palette. 1909.
36 1/8 x 16 7/8 in.

5 Fauves – “Wild beasts”, The artists of the early 20th century whose work was characterized by its use of bold arbitrary color.

6 Henri Matisse. The Green Line (Madame Matisse). 1905.
15 7/8 x 12 7/8 in.

7 Expressionism – An art that stresses the psychological and emotional content of the work (namely through line and color), associated mainly with German art in the early 20th century.

8 Wassily Kandinsky. Sketch I for Composition VII. 1913.
Sees monets haystacks. Also the fauves. Wassily Kandinsky. Sketch I for Composition VII 30 3/4 x 39 3/8 in.

9 Futurism – An early 20th century art movement, characterized by its desire to celebrate the movement and speed of modern industrial life.

10 Umberto Boccioni. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space. 1913.
43 7/8 x 34 7/8 x 15 3/4 in.

11 Dada – An art movement that originated in World War I, whish was so antagonistic to traditional styles and materials of art that it was considered by many to be “anti-art.” Nonsense sound or childs first words

12 Map of World War I and the Territorial Reconstruction of Europe.
Devastatation of western thought Map of World War I and the Territorial Reconstruction of Europe.

13 Marcel Duchamp. Mona Lisa (L.H.O.O.Q.). 1919.
Elle a chaud au cul “she’s hot in the pants” Having fun and challenging all traditions. Marcel Duchamp. Mona Lisa (L.H.O.O.Q.) 7 3/4 x 4 1/8 in.

14 Marcel Duchamp. The Fountain. 1917.
Pause - At first rejected but when he said he was r.mutt accepted. Ideas over the visual. Marcel Duchamp. The Fountain

15 Surrealism- A style of art in the early 20th century that emphasized dream imagery, chance operations, and forms that were thought to express the unconscious mind. Coming from dada – illogical. But much more positivity.

16 Giorgio de Chirico. Melancholy and Mystery of a Street. 1914.
He says he didn’t understand them either Giorgio de Chirico. Melancholy and Mystery of a Street 24 1/4 x 28 1/2 in.

17 Salvador Dali. The Persistence of Memory. 1931.
9 1/2 x 13 in.

18 Luis brunel spanish director
Un chein andalou. 15min. Gruesome. Violence. nudity. No timeline/dreamlike or unconscious mind.

19 Pablo Picasso. Guernica. 1937.
LETS PAUSE. Politics and painting - Nearly 1,000 people killed. Spanish civil war. Symbolisn/surrealism - speared horse- creativity Bull- in spainish tradition – heroic and tragic Lights- possibly old and new ways of seeing. -van gogh lamps from the night café. Pablo Picasso. Guernica 11 ft. 5 1/2 in. x 25 ft. 5 1/4 in.


21 Modernism – American art movement in the 20th century, characterized by the exploration of the particular formal properties of any given medium, responsive to trends in European painting. NOT FROM BACK OF BOOK **brewing around wwII. Shift to nyc What can the materials do?

22 Piet Mondrian. Composition II with Red, Blue, and Yellow. 1930.
Removed reference from his work. Slow in being accepted. Piet Mondrian. Composition II with Red, Blue, and Yellow 28 1/2 x 21 1/4 in.

23 Removed reference from his work. Slow in being accepted.

24 Edward Hopper. Nighthawks. 1942.
Realist painter. Master of light Edward Hopper. Nighthawks 30 x 60 in.

25 Abstract Expressionism –
A predominantly American painting style of the 1940’s and 1950’s, characterized by its rendering of expressive content by abstract or nonobjective means. NOT FROM BACK OF BOOK **brewing around wwII. Shift to nyc What can the materials do?

26 Pollock – action painting.

27 Willem de Kooning. Woman and Bicycle. 1952–53.
Action painting and abstract exp. Willem de Kooning. Woman and Bicycle. 1952–53. 76 1/2 x 49 in.

28 Mark Rothko. Four Darks in Red. 1958.
Meditative “non-action” Horizon/landscape Nonobjective but --Basic human emotions – doom, tradgedy, ecstasy. ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM Mark Rothko. Four Darks in Red 102 x 116 in.

29 Pop Art- A style arising in the 1960’s characterized by an emphasis on the forms and imagery of mass culture (or popular culture).

30 Roy Lichtenstein. Whaam!. 1963.
Emptied gesture. Sunday comic. Roy Lichtenstein. Whaam! 5 ft. 8 in. x 13 ft. 4 in.

31 Compare to baroque…. And action painting.

32 Minimalism – A style of art, predominantly American, that dates from mid-20th century, characterized by its rejection of expressive content and its use of “minimal” formal means. Also in reaction to action painting.

33 Frank Stella. Empress of India. 1965.
No content beyond what you see. Shaped canvases. Frank Stella. Empress of India 6 ft. 5 in. x 18 ft. 8 in.

34 Jimmie Durham. Headlights. 1983.
Postmodernism – coming from all over refernences. Parts can’t form a unified whole. Overload. Access to information. ARTIFACTS always to western culture. (like john fedorov but 1997) PLURALITY OF SOURCES and of VOICES Jimmie Durham. Headlights

35 Postmodernism – coming from all over refernences
Postmodernism – coming from all over refernences. Parts can’t form a unified whole. Overload. Access to information. ARTIFACTS always to western culture. (like john fedorov but 1997)

36 Zaire. Looking for water on mars. Riding this missile.
Joke but very serious. Chéri Samba. Problème d’eau. Où trouver l’eau? (The Water Problem. Where to find water?) 53 1/8 x 78 3/4 in.

37 Frida Kahlo. Las Dos Fridas. 1939.
Race, class – gender and feminism. Frida kahlo – old one that diego loves on right. Frida Kahlo. Las Dos Fridas 69 1/5 x 69 1/5 in.

38 Barbara Kruger. Untitled (We won’t play nature to your culture). 1983.
72 x 48 in.



41 1989

42 Yasumasu Morimura. Portrait (Twins). 1988.
He dresses up as both characters. Manipulates photo to include himself. Yasumasu Morimura. Portrait (Twins) 6 ft. 13 1/2 in. x 9 ft. 10 in.

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