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Journal of Vision. 2010;10(4):22. doi: / Figure Legend:

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1 From: Discrimination of locomotion direction in impoverished displays of walkers by macaque monkeys
Journal of Vision. 2010;10(4):22. doi: / Figure Legend: Generalization performance for the lower and upper body parts of the humanoid locomotions. (A, B) Performances for the forward–backward and view task for each monkey (M1, M2, and M3), respectively. (Left) Performance for the trained full-body movies, (middle) generalization performance for the lower body displays, (right) generalization performance for the upper body displays. (C) Snapshots of the displays. Same conventions as in Figure 4. Generalization performance was calculated on approximately 40 trials per body configuration (i.e., lower or upper) per condition (see also movie: “”). Date of download: 11/10/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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