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Supplementary Table 1. Primers used for sequence analysis and detection of a novel ilarvirus (apple necrotic mosaic virus, ApNMV) and Apple mosaic virus.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplementary Table 1. Primers used for sequence analysis and detection of a novel ilarvirus (apple necrotic mosaic virus, ApNMV) and Apple mosaic virus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplementary Table 1. Primers used for sequence analysis and detection of a novel ilarvirus (apple necrotic mosaic virus, ApNMV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) Use Primer Sequence (5´-3´) Sequence analysis R1-node268+ atgcttccgagattcaggag R1-node31- cttcgaagtagttagcgtcc R1-node31+ agacacacgaagaggttcac R2-node305+ ggaagacggatgtgtcgaaa R3-node76+ ttccatcttgcgtgcaatcg 5’RACE-R1-S1 agttgaacgctcattaccga 5’RACE-R1-S2 ggaaggtgagagactaaatg 5’RACE-R1-A1 acgtctcgtctgcacattgt 5’RACE-R1-A2 gtggatactagcaactcgga 5’RACE-R1-RT acagagccttctgct 5’RACE-R2-S1 cgtggattgtggacagatgg 5’RACE-R2-S2 ggtgtttgacattccgacac 5’RACE-R2-A1 ctcgaacttcggtctgaaga 5’RACE-R2-A2 tctcacatctcccatacgac 5’RACE-R2-RT tgactgactgttgag 5’RACE-R3-S1 gtcgaaacagatgacttacg 5’RACE-R3-S2 ccgaatcccatcatgtttcc 5’RACE-R3-A1 acacatgtctccaactcgag 5’RACE-R3-A2 caccaactttgctttcgacg 5’RACE-R3-RT tgtgctggacacgtt Detection of ApNMV and ApMV ApNMV-CP+1 cttgcgtgcaatcgatatgg ApNMV-CP-1 tcatctcaacctagacatcc ApMV-CP+1 caacatggtctgcaagtact ApMV-CP-1 ggagctaatcgctccatcat ApNMV-CP+2 atggtgtgcaatcgctgtca ApNMV-CP-2 catcgaccataaggatatca ApMV-CP+2 tggatcttgcgctggatgca ApMV-CP-2 acattcgtcggtatttgcac

2 Supplementary Table 2. Number of contigs from next generation sequencing of an apple tree (P129) matched to viral sequences by blastx analysis No. of contigs Matched virus (genus) Identity (%) 280 Apple stem pitting virus (Foveavirus) 100~61.33 18 Apricot latent virus-like (Foveavirus) 98.36~88.37 65 Apple stem grooving virus (Capillovirus) 100~74.89 5 Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (Trichovirus) 100~93.15 11 Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (Ilarvirus) 76.19~65.28 1 Apple mosaic virus (Ilarvirus) 57.34 105 Other Total 485

3 Supplementary Table 3. Percentage of nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities of CPs among viruses (P129, PK45, PK28, and P133) from apple trees showing mosaic symptoms and ApMV Tree P129 PK45 PK28 P133 ApMV P129 (219 aa) 94 56 PK45 (219 aa) 95 PK28 (219 aa) 92 55 P133 (223 aa) 43 44 88 ApMV (219 aa) 91 The upper right corner represents nucleotide sequence identities, and the lower left corner is amino acid sequence identities. The sequence of apple mosaic virus (ApMV) was from GenBank/EMBL/.DDBJ database accession no. U15608.

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