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Talent Management Adrian Enrico Anurag Jorge Anne Carlos Yu

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1 Talent Management Adrian Enrico Anurag Jorge Anne Carlos Yu
Human Resources Group C

2 what is talent management?
Anticipating the need of human capital and then setting out a plan to meet it. …forecasting and succession planning What are the current responses to this challenge? Well, to do nothing or…

3 Let me explain you how this began…
In the 1970’s…internal talent development collapse because it could not address the increasing uncertainties of the market place In the 1950’s…executive coaching to 360° feedback to job rotation to high potential programs … there were no lay offs so there was an excess supply of managers… In the 90’s… the alternative to traditional development… outside hiring In the 80’s… they cut positions, so why maintaining the programs designed to fill the ranks?

4 So what are they doing today?
But… this doesn’t work anymore… Actual companies are returning to the practices of 1950’s… Succession plans create an implicit promise… employees feel betrayed These investments are essentially wasted Long term succession plans that attempt to map out careers years into the future. Jobs change as conditions do, so most companies have to constantly update their plans

5 So what is Talent management?
Developing employees or creating succession plans Achieving specific turnover rates or any other tactical outcome At the end, Talent Management exits to support the organization overall objectives, which in business essentially amount to making money. Well, lets start with what is not

6 A new way to think about Talent Management… Supply Chain Management:
Forecasting product demand Forecasting talent needs Estimating cheapest and fastest ways to manufacture products Cost –effectively developing talent Outsourcing processes Hiring outside Ensuring timely delivering Planning to succession events

7 The issues and challenges in managing an internal talent pipeline are similar to how products move through a supply chain Reducing bottlenecks that block advancement Speeding up processing time Improving forecasts to avoid mismatches

8 Two of them address uncertainty on the demand side…
Capelli’s innovative approach to managing talent uses 4 operations-based principles… Two of them address uncertainty on the demand side… And the other two on the supply side… lets look at them…

9 Talent on Demand Undershoot needs “Outsource” the rest
1. Make & Buy To Manage Risk Undershoot needs “Outsource” the rest 2. Adapt to the Uncertainty Break up Development Programs Batch Intakes Organization-wide talent pool 3. Improve the ROI Share costs with employees? Volunteer assignments 4. Preserve the Investment Balance interest among employees and employers Promote job change within the company Talent on Demand

10 Conclusion Talent on demand allows
Employers to manage talent and increase ROI, It allows Employees to balance their interests, and it betters Society by continuously developing its skills levels. “Every talent management process in use today was developed half a century ago. It’s time for a new model” - Peter Cappelli -

11 THE END… Carlos Anne Jorge Adrian Anurag Enrico Yu

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