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Prototyping the User Interface

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1 Prototyping the User Interface
Sketches, storyboards, mock-ups, scenarios and tools This material has been developed by Georgia Tech HCI faculty, and continues to evolve. Contributors include Gregory Abowd, Jim Foley, Diane Gromala, Elizabeth Mynatt, Jeff Pierce, Colin Potts, Chris Shaw, John Stasko, and Bruce Walker. Comments directed to are encouraged. Permission is granted to use with acknowledgement for non-profit purposes. Last revision: Feb

2 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Agenda Why prototype? Prototyping dimensions Prototyping terminology Non-computer methods Computer methods UI Design - Georgia Tech

3 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Why Prototype? UI Design - Georgia Tech

4 Why Prototype? AKA Why not Straight to Code?
Leads to better designs Iterative creativity Explore design space Facilitates communications To all stakeholders To see and to use is to comprehend Facilitates (early) user input Helps with (early) usability assessment Can help assess implementation feasibility UI Design - Georgia Tech

5 Prototype as a Design Artifact
To express early design ideas? No software coding at this stage Key notions Make it fast!!! Allow lots of flexibility for radically different designs Make it cheap to fail early, fail often Promote valuable feedback *** Facilitate iterative design and evaluation *** UI Design - Georgia Tech

6 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Dilemma You can’t evaluate design until it’s built But… After building, changes to the design are difficult Simulate the design, in low-cost manner UI Design - Georgia Tech

7 Four Considerations for Prototyping
1. Representation How is the design depicted or represented? Can be just textual description or can be visuals and diagrams 2. Scope Depth and breadth of prototype How much of overall design is prototyped UI Design - Georgia Tech

8 Four Considerations (contd)
3. Executability Can the prototype be “run”? If coding, there may be periods when it can’t 4. Maturation What are the stages of the product as it comes along? Revolutionary - Throw out old prototype Evolutionary - Keep changing previous prototype UI Design - Georgia Tech

9 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Terminology Early prototyping, Late prototyping Low-fidelity prototype, High-fidelity prototype Horizontal prototype Very broad, does or shows much of the interface, but does this in a shallow manner Example: all first and second-level menu commands Vertical prototype Fewer features or aspects of the interface simulated, but done in great detail Possibly even execution of a few important actions This is what you’re doing for project part 3 UI Design - Georgia Tech

10 Rapid Prototyping Methods
Non-computer vs. computer-based Tools like Balsamiq bridge this gap Typically earlier in process Typically lower fidelity Typically later in process Typically higher fidelity UI Design - Georgia Tech

11 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Non-Computer Methods Goal: Want to express design ideas and get quick & cheap opinions on system Methods? UI Design - Georgia Tech

12 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Design Description Can simply have a textual description of a system design Obvious weakness – it’s so far from eventual system Doesn’t do a good job representing visual aspects of interface Not nearly enough Sort of OK for ideation Not OK as a way to get meaningful feedback UI Design - Georgia Tech

13 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Sketches, Mock-ups Paper-based “drawings” of interfaces Good for brainstorming Focuses on high-level design notions Not so good for illustrating flow and the details Quick and cheap -> helpful feedback UI Design - Georgia Tech

14 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Physical Mock-Ups Wooden blocks and labels - device control (Three versions of a hand-held controller) UI Design - Georgia Tech

15 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Physical Mock-Up Styrofoam and Buttons Spring 2004 CS 4750 project “Golf Caddy” by: Chris Hamilton Linda Kang Luigi Montanez Ben Tomassetti UI Design - Georgia Tech

16 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Storyboarding Pencil and paper simulation or walkthrough of system look and functionality Quick & easy Show key snap shots Use sequence of screen shots Use cases can be driver for sequencing UI Design - Georgia Tech

17 Storyboarding Example
Sketches solves two problems with use of more fully-developed prototypes User reluctance to suggest changes to what might look like a finished product User focus too much on details (graphic design, etc) of UI rather than big picture UI Design - Georgia Tech

18 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Other Techniques Tutorials & Manuals Maybe write them out ahead of time to flesh out functionality If it’s difficult to describe, it’s probably difficult to use! Forces designer to be explicit about decisions So putting it on paper is valuable Early involvement by tutorial & help text team UI Design - Georgia Tech

19 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Computer Methods Simulate more of system functionality Usually just some features or aspects Can focus on more of details Typically engaging Caution: Users more reluctant to suggest changes once they see more realistic prototype So make prototype intentionally not so realistic UI Design - Georgia Tech

20 Prototyping Tools - Drawing Pgms.
Draw/Paint programs Draw each screen, good for look IP Address OK Cancel Thin, horizontal prototype PhotoShop, Corel Draw,... UI Design - Georgia Tech

21 Prototyping Technique
Wizard of Oz - Person simulates and controls system from “behind the scenes” Use mock interface and interact with users Good for simulating system that would be difficult to build Can be either computer-based or not UI Design - Georgia Tech

22 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Wizard of Oz Method: Behavior should be algorithmic Good for voice recognition systems Advantages: Allows designer to immerse oneself in situation See how people respond, how specify tasks UI Design - Georgia Tech

23 Prototyping Tools - Scripting
Scripted simulations/slide shows Put storyboard-like views down with (animated) transitions between them Can give user very specific script to follow Often called chauffeured prototyping Examples: PowerPoint, BalsamIQ UI Design - Georgia Tech

24 Powerpoint Transition Controls
Mouse click actions: Next slide Previous slide First slide Last slide Last slide viewed End show Custom show URL File UI Design - Georgia Tech

25 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Beware! UI Design - Georgia Tech

26 UI Design - Georgia Tech
BalsamIQ UI Design - Georgia Tech

27 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Balsamiq Video Balsamiq Mockups | Balsamiq.flv Free seven-day download Try it, you’ll like it  Live demo…… UI Design - Georgia Tech

28 Balsamiq Pros and Cons (Fall 2010)
Like Easy to use Create links from one screen to another – capability and method Big widget library Special iPhone options Widget search/selection Don’t like Limited set of gadgets Can’t easily drop in pictures Selection of stacked items is hard Late determination that target of link was deleted Dead-end can’t add code or data base access UI Design - Georgia Tech

29 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Pencil Similar to Balsamiq Open-source Works with Firefox or as an app OSX Windows GNU/Linux UI Design - Georgia Tech

30 Easy to Get Lost with PPt or Balsamiq – see Caretta Design
Also in Denim UI Design - Georgia Tech

31 CogTool - Prototyping + KSLM!
Great Prototyper Usual drag and drop design capability Shows transition graph Transitions can be caused by Mouse actions Keyboard entry (commands, data fields) Speech!! More robust than most (any) others Plus ….. UI Design - Georgia Tech

32 UI Design - Georgia Tech
CogTool - KSLM Automated KSLM, based on user demonstration of action sequences Compare alternative designs KSLM generally within 20% of real timing CogTool KSLM better because does not make mistakes with Mental preparation placements – claims 10% But – could practice a bit and have CogTool measure your time UI Design - Georgia Tech

33 CogTool Overview Screen Shot
UI Design - Georgia Tech

34 CogTool Transition Graph
UI Design - Georgia Tech

35 Prototyping Tools - Interface Builders
Tools for laying out windows, controls, etc. of interface Have build and test modes that are good for exhibiting look and feel Generate code to which back-end functionality can be added through programming Examples: Visual Basic, Visual C##, Denim, SketchFlow UI Design - Georgia Tech

36 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Visual Basic UI Controls Control properties Design area UI Design - Georgia Tech

37 Denim – Web Site Prototyper
Download at Very smooth interaction Gestures, zoom in and out Navigate created web site Very ‘rough’ look but navigable Video at UI Design - Georgia Tech

38 UI Design - Georgia Tech
Microsoft SketchFlow UI Design - Georgia Tech

39 Audio Interface (Telephony) Builder Tools
SUEDE - flow-chart speech interface dialogue Landay et al For wizard-of-Oz studies Could be used to drive real system UI Design - Georgia Tech

40 UI Design - Georgia Tech
SUEDE VIDEO UI Design - Georgia Tech

41 Eyepatch: Prototyping Camera-Based Interaction
Video on next page UI Design - Georgia Tech

42 Tool Surveys (via Google )
There are a LOT!! ** UI Design - Georgia Tech

43 Review of Prototyping Concepts
Late Early Horizontal Low-fidelity Vertical Medium-fidelity High-fidelity Vertical Sketches, mock-ups Slide shows System prototypes Scenarios Storyboards Simulations Wizard of Oz UI Design - Georgia Tech

44 How do These Tools Stack Up?
Ramp-up time to learn? Regarding fidelity of the prototype? Regarding depth and breadth of prototypes that can easily be supported? Regarding executability of the prototype? Regarding how easily the prototype can be transitioned to a deliverable product? UI Design - Georgia Tech

45 UI Design - Georgia Tech
The End UI Design - Georgia Tech

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