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Wrapping up prototyping

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1 Wrapping up prototyping

2 Objectives for today Clarify Next Week’s Deliverable/Activity
Moving beyond LoFi prototypes

3 LoFi Prototype Deliverable
Prepare a well organized, somewhat documented (labels on the back of images) LoFi Prototype. This is due at the start of class on Monday. Be prepared to show it to a group of your classmates for minutes. Have one or two tasks clearly prepared and printed out. You will ask a member of another team to walk through the task using your prototype.

4 Storyboards Series of sketches showing how a user might progress through a task using an interface Often used with scenarios, bringing more detail Make it easier to envision the progress of the interaction



7 Medium fidelity prototypes
Now move to the computer (e.g., use Visual Basic or a wireframe tool in NetBeans/Eclipse) Simulate some but not all features of the intended system  more engaging for users Purpose Provide interactive (but limited) scenario for user to try out; gets around limits of LoFi prototypes on testing flow of interaction May offer a development path to running system

8 How do you limit functionality?
Horizontal prototypes Entire UI is implemented, but no underlying functionality Vertical prototypes Include in-depth functionality for a few features Common design ideas can be tested in depth Scenario-based Scripts of particular uses of the system; no deviations Wizard of Oz – human simulates the intelligence

9 High fidelity prototypes
Basically complete running system But may not be: In a suitable language for delivery Efficient Robust Well-coded “Build one to throw away”… a common research methodology

10 Recall benefits of LoFi Prototypes
LoFi prototypes are very quick to develop Early in the process when changes are cheap Users focus on content instead of superficial issues Developers aren’t yet invested, thus are willing to change Don’t set unrealistic expectations No bugs to halt testing

11 The Prototyping Spectrum
Early design Brainstorm different representations Choose a representation Rough out interface style Task centered walkthrough and redesign Fine tune interface, screen design Heuristic evaluation and redesign Usability testing and redesign Limited field testing Alpha/beta tests LoFi (paper) prototypes Medium Fidelity prototypes HiFi Prototypes / restricted systems Working system Late design

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