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Presentation on theme: "Prototyping."— Presentation transcript:

1 prototyping

2 Prototyping Prototyping is common in almost every field of engineering design It is simply express how similar it is to the finished interface In prototyping one has to plan to throw away

3 Why prototype? Get feedback earlier, cheaper
Experiment with alternatives Easier to change to throw away

4 Prototyping the User-Interface
Identifying user interface requirements Almost impossible to specify in advance Supported by good software tools Graphical editors, construction kits User Interface Management Systems (UIMS) Wireframes “Prototyping does NOT mean ‘build in haste’”

5 Prototyping the user interface

6 Prototype Fidelity An essential property of a prototyping technique is its fidelity It refers to the level of detail Low fidelity Omits details High fidelity More like finished product

7 Fidelity is multidimensional

8 Prototype Fidelity Horizontal
In breadth implementation (covers most features with limited depth information) Low-fidelity in horizontal might be missing many features Ex: A word processor prototype might omit printing and spell-checking

9 Prototype Fidelity Vertical
In depth implementation (how deeply each feature is actually implemented) Low-fidelity in vertical may mean limited choices Ex: you can’t print on double-sided Canned responses (Always prints the same text, not WYSIWYG)

10 More dimensions of fidelity
Look: appearance, graphic design Sketchy, hand-drawn Feel: input method Pointing & writing feels very different from mouse & keyboard

11 Paper prototyping Paper prototypes are an excellent choice for early design iterations. Interaction is natural Pointing with a finger = mouse click Writing = typing A person simulates the computer’s operation Putting down and picking up pieces Writing responses on the screen

12 Why paper prototyping? Faster to build
Sketching is faster than programming Easier to change No code investment– everything will be thrown away (except the design) Focuses attention on big picture Designer doesn’t waste time on details Customer makes more creative suggestions Non-programmers can help Only kindergarten skills are required

13 Example paper prototype

14 Example paper prototype

15 Example story board

16 Example story board

17 What you can learn from PP-type
Conceptual model Do users understand it? Functionality Does it do what’s needed? Missing features? Navigation & task flow Can users find their way around? Are information preconditions met? Terminology Do users understand labels? Screen contents What needs to go on the screen?

18 What you can’t learn from PP-type
Look: color, font, whitespace, etc Feel: Fitts’s Law issues Response time

19 Computer prototype Interactive software simulation
High-fidelity in look & feel Low-fidelity in depth Paper prototype had a human simulating the backend; computer prototype doesn’t

20 What you can learn from computer prototypes
Everything you learn from a paper prototype, plus: Screen layout Is it clear, overwhelming, distracting, complicated? Colors, fonts, icons, other elements Well-chosen? Interactive feedback Do users notice & respond to status bar messages, cursor changes, other feedback Fitts’s Law issues Controls are big enough? Too close together? Scrolling list is too long?

21 Computer prototyping techniques
Storyboard Sequence of painted screenshots connected by hyperlinks (“hotspots”) Form builder Real windows assembled from a palette of widgets (buttons, text fields, labels, etc.) Wizard of Oz Computer frontend, human backend the user interacts with a computer, but there’s a human behind the scenes figuring out how the user interface should respond.

22 Pros & Cons of Storyboarding
You can draw anything Cons No text entry Widgets aren’t active “Hunt for the hotspot”

23 Example form builder

24 Example form builder

25 Pros & Cons of Form Builders
Actual controls, not just pictures of them Cons Limits thinking to standard widgets Useless for rich graphical interfaces

26 Wizard of Oz Prototype Software simulation with a human in the loop to help “Wizard of Oz” = “man behind the curtain” Wizard is usually but not always hidden Often used to simulate future technology Speech recognition Learning Issues Two UIs to worry about: user’s and wizard’s Wizard has to be mechanical

27 “Wizard of Oz” prototyping
User thinks having interacting with a computer, but a developer is responding to output rather than the system. Usually done early in design to understand users’ expectations (requirements)

28 Example of Wizard of Oz

29 Granularity in prototyping

30 Comparison of Techniques

31 Summary Prototype fidelity Kinds of prototypes
horizontal, vertical, look, feel Kinds of prototypes Paper Computer: storyboard, forms, Wizard of Oz Don’t get attached to a prototype Because it may need to be thrown away

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