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The Scientific Process or Method

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Process or Method"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Process or Method

2 Scientific Process or Method
Requires observations of nature and formulating and testing the hypothesis. It consists of following four steps. Create your conclusion on the basis of data or information gathered in your experiment.

3 1. Make an observation and Ask a Question
Based on accurate observations Helps focus the research Must be testable !!!

4 2. Form a Hypothesis Possible explanation for what is observed
Prediction If/then statements

5 3. Test the hypothesis Design an experiment
Identify and use control factors and variables Collect data

6 4. Analyze the Data Organize data using tables or graphs
Interpret what the data mean

7 5. Draw Conclusions Do you accept or reject your hypothesis based on your findings?

8 6. Communicate Results To other scientists
They can learn from your discoveries Write reports Give presentations

9 The Scientific Method –
the way in which scientists follow steps to answer questions and solve problems

10 Hypothesis Hypothesis-
An explanation that is based on prior scientific research or observations and that can be tested Is based on the if/then statement Example- Reviewing notes helps you do better on a test. (If I review my notes) (then I will do better on the test).

11 Variables Variables- a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis There are two types of variables Independent Variable: The variable that is changed by the scientist; the ‘I control’ variable Dependent Variable: The variable that might change because of what the scientist changes – what is being measured

12 Control Factors Control Factors- the parts of the experiment that remain the same. Controlled Experiment- an experiment that test only one factor at a time by using comparison of a control group with one or more experimental groups. The control group is not exposed to the factor being tested.

13 Remember! Your hypothesis can TELL you what your variables are!
Ex. If I drink Mountain Dew before bed, then I will not sleep very much. IV: Drinking Mountain Dew DV: the amount of sleep

14 Use this hypothesis to identify the variables:
Practice Use this hypothesis to identify the variables: If I leave all the lights on all day, then my electric bill will be expensive. IV: ______________________ DV: ______________________

15 Practice If I brush my cat more, then there will be less fur on my furniture IV: ______________________ DV: ______________________

16 IV: ____________________________________
Now read the following experiment and identify the independent and dependent variables Elizabeth wanted to test if temperature affected how fast milk goes bad and curdles. She left milk in a room temperature closet, a fridge, and an oven that was turned on low heat. She then measured how rotten the milk was after 10 days. IV: ____________________________________ DV: ____________________________________

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