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Warm-Up Draw a correctly-labeled graph showing potential output and equilibrium price and output for: Long-run equilibrium Recessionary gap Inflationary.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Draw a correctly-labeled graph showing potential output and equilibrium price and output for: Long-run equilibrium Recessionary gap Inflationary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Draw a correctly-labeled graph showing potential output and equilibrium price and output for: Long-run equilibrium Recessionary gap Inflationary gap Identify which gap is likely to occur as a result of the shutdown.

2 Money Chapter 30: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve System (pages )

3 Roles Money Plays Medium of Exchange Store of value
Used to buy/sell goods Makes trading easier Eliminates need to barter Store of value Lasts over time Get paid now and spend later

4 Roles Money Plays Unit of Account Tells how much goods are worth
Stated in terms of currency and not other goods

5 Good For Money or No? Item Medium of Exchange? Store of Value?
Unit of Account? Salt Cattle Gold Copper coins Beaver pelts Personal checks Debit card Credit card $100 bill


7 Item #1 – iPhone 7

8 Item #2 – Chipotle for Life

9 Item #3 – World Series Tickets

10 Brain Break Who appears on the: $1 bill $2 bill $5 bill $10 bill
Penny Nickel Dime Quarter Half-Dollar

11 Why Gold?

12 Money Supply M1  Currency in circulation M2  M1 + “near monies”
Cash, checks, traveler’s checks Most basic definition M2  M1 + “near monies” Savings, CDs, money markets More expansive definition

13 M1 + Savings + Money Market + CDs
Money Supply M2 M1 + Savings + Money Market + CDs M1 Checks + Cash

14 Calculating M1 and M2 Use the data below to calculate M1 and M2 (assume anything not mentioned = $0) Items Amount Checkable deposits $850 Currency $200 Large time deposits $800 Non-checkable savings deposits $302 Small time deposits $1,745

15 Calculating M1 and M2 M1 = $850 + $200 = $1,050
Items Amount Checkable deposits $850 Currency $200 Large time deposits $800 Non-checkable savings deposits $302 Small time deposits $1,745 M1 = $850 + $200 = $1,050 M2 = M1 + $302 + $1,745 = $3,097

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