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Daily Agenda, Goals, & Homework

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1 Daily Agenda, Goals, & Homework
3 vignettes Lesson on characterization Read Bless Me, Ultima Goals Be able to find characterization in Bless Me, Ultima Homework Vocabulary Quiz Friday

2 Vocabulary Contrition: (N) Sorrow for sin (esp. out of fear of damnation) Nebulous: (ADJ) Not clear; difficult to understand or describe Facet: (N) A part or element of something Cumbersome: (ADJ) Hard to handle because of size or weight

3 Vocabulary Turgid: (ADJ) abnormally swollen, especially by fluids or gas [also used for overly bloated language] Audacity: (N) aggressive boldness Girder: (N) a beam used as a main support in a structure Abode: (N) housing that someone is living in

4 Vocabulary Interminable: (ADJ) having or seeming to have no end : continuing for a very long time Jeer: (V) to shout insulting words at someone : to laugh at or criticize someone in a loud and angry way Barrage: (V) to cause (someone) to receive a great amount of something : to direct a barrage of questions, comments, etc., at (someone) [artillery fire] Inquisitor: (N) a person who asks many difficult questions in a harsh or unkind way

5 Vocabulary Exorcise: (V) (exorcism) to force (an evil spirit) to leave
Adobe: (N) sun-dried brick, used in hot dry climates Brood: (V) to dwell gloomily on a subject Blasphemy: (N) the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God (also claiming powers of God)

6 Vocabulary Spartan (adj) marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort Anemic (adj) lacking force, vitality, or spirit [an anemic rendition of the song]  [anemic efforts at enforcement] Canteen (N) a place where food is served in a factory, school, etc. (cafeteria/ mess hall) Trudge (V) to walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard

7 Vocabulary Bazaar: (N) a market (as in the Middle East) consisting of rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods Mutually exclusive: (Adj) not able to be true at the same time or to exist together Tether: (N) a rope or chain that is used to tie an animal to a post, wall, etc., so that it will stay in a particular area Vignette: (N) a short written description

8 Double Entry Journal (10/18-20)
How is Ultima characterized? (find 3 examples)

9 Important information
Myers’ website - Anderson’s website – Purdue Owl address

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