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Progressivism was rooted in Populism. Many of the

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1 Progressivism was rooted in Populism. Many of the
ideas from populists are later incorporated. -progressive income tax (16th Amendment) -direct election of senators (17th Amendment) -state laws on referendum, recall, and initiative

2 Progressive Reformers
Because of the work of progressive reformers, we now take for granted many rights, laws, and protections that we have today. -women’s suffrage -minimum wage -8 hour workday -the right for workers to organize -food and drug safety - fair competition in business

3 Jane Addams -Social worker who worked to help poor,
elderly, and new immigrants -Opened Hull House in 1889 as a settlement house for new immigrants -Legal Reforms such as Juvenile Court, compulsory education -Labor reforms such as child labor, safety -Won Nobel Prize

4 Upton Sinclair -wrote The Jungle- a novel based
on the unsanitary conditions of meat packing industry -book caused Congress to pass two laws: Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act “I aimed at the public’s heart, but hit its stomach instead.”

5 Thomas Nast -Political cartoonist who used his
are to bring attention to corruption in government. -Brought down Boss Tweed -Created Santa Claus and the Republican Elephant -Made the donkey the recognized symbol for the Democratic party D-smart and brave E-strong and dignified


7 Ida Tarbell -Teacher and muckraker journalist
-her father’s oil co. was ruined by Rockefeller and Standard Oil -Wrote The History of Standard Oil Company -portrayed Rockefeller as crabbed, miserly, moneygrabbing and effective at making monopolies -paved the way for stronger anti-trust laws and the break up of Standard Oil into smaller companies.

8 Booker T. Washington -Born a slave in Virginia
-A founder of Tuskegee Institute (1881) -Wrote Up from Slavery, autobiography -Explained his view of the role of Black Americans in segregated America in an 1895 speech called the “Atlanta Compromise” -urged black Americans to learn a trade -emphasized economic success over racial equality.

9 W. E. B. DuBois -Challenged the philosophy of B. T. Washington
-born free in Massachusetts -1st Black American to earn a PhD at Harvard U. -A founder of the NAACP (1909) -Editor of NAACP’s newspaper – The Crisis -Wrote The Souls of Black Folk, autobiography -Encouraged Black Americans to demand the rights guaranteed in the 14th and 15th amendments -Believed that talented Black Americans should seek a liberal arts or full university education.

10 Walter Rauschenbusch -Baptist Minister
-Christianity should be basis for social reform -Social Gospel- -Christians should give to the poor. -”The church must transform society as well as save souls.” -Protestant leaders follow his lead- - -push to end child labor -make shorter work weeks -get rid of trusts

11 Florence Kelley -lawyer -pushed to end child labor
-lobbied to create the U.S. Children’s Bureau -started the National Consumer League -convinced Illinois to end child labor- many other states followed.

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