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The Way to Rainy Mountain

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1 The Way to Rainy Mountain
N. Scott Momady

2 Day One

3 AP Styled Quiz Take the AP styled quiz

4 Journal Explore what Momaday is doing with language in the first paragraph. What is the purpose of his word choice?

5 Day Two

6 Harkness Discussion Using the grids completed for homework and the Harkness Discussion format, discuss Momaday’s organization in paragraphs 2-5. Why does he use these rhetorical modes? What does he accomplish with his choice of language? How does he use layers of time to contribute to the meaning?

7 Post Discussion On what ideas did your discussion focus?
What was the importance of these ideas? What conclusions can you draw about the text after your discussion?

8 Day Three

9 Layers of Time In paragraphs 11-15, Momaday uses description to describe his grandmother’s house and provide the reader with information. Make three columns- History of Kiowas, Grandma Aho, Momaday. List the information gained through the description about each of these categories.

10 Drawing Conclusions After organizing the three layers of time, what conclusions can you draw from them collectively? What information/understanding is provided by the description of the house?

11 Description Memoir Write your own descriptive memoir. Choose a place, object, person, etc., that is significant to you. Through your description, make it clear to the reader how and why this is a description of significance to you.

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