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Early American Literature

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1 Early American Literature
Review for Test September 23, 2014

2 Native American Literature
Myths Anonymous, traditional stories passed down by word of mouth to explain why the world is the way it is Creation myths tell how the world and human beings came to exist. Origin myths Explain how natural phenomena came to be or why a society has certain beliefs

3 Native American Literature
Archetypes A symbol, story pattern, or character type found in the literature of many cultures Examples of archetypes in Native American literature Children with opposite characteristics born of the same parent Trickster Clever rebels who defy authority Examples are coyote, raven Functions of Myths Emphasize a strong bond between Creator, humans, and natural world Give a sense of order and identity Teach moral lessons

4 “How the World Was Made”
Cherokee Creation myth Explains how the water beetle comes down from the sky and brings up mud to form the earth Emphasizes the importance of animals in Cherokee culture

5 “The Way to Rainy Mountain”
Author N. Scott Momaday Summary The author reflects on his Kiowa roots Traces the migration of his ancestors Describes the Sun Dance interrupted by soldiers as the last great moment of his grandmother’s tribe

6 “La Relacion” Author Summary Cabeza de Vaca
Ship is caught a storm and many men are unconscious or dead Ship runs aground where men encounter Native Americans and are afraid they will be sacrificed The Native Americans actually bring them food The Spaniards set sail and are shipwrecked again. The Native Americans again take care of the Spaniards and hold a celebration

7 “Of Plymouth Plantation”
Author William Bradford Summary Bradford writes about his experiences on the trip to the Massachusetts colony and once he arrives. Half of the colonists died during the Starving Time. The colonists were initially afraid of the Native Americans, but they eventually befriended them thanks to Squanto who helped them communicate with each other.

8 “The Life of Olaudah Equiano”
Author Olaudah Equiano Summary Account of a young man from Nigeria who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He was put on a boat to Barbados and witnessed the mistreatment of many on the ship including beatings and inhumane conditions. Once he arrived at his destination, he was sold at a slave market where terrified families were separated

9 “A Narrative from the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs
“A Narrative from the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” Author Mary Rowlandson Summary Mary is a preacher’s wife taken captive by a group of Native Americans along with three of her children. One of her children dies. The other two are separated from her. She is kept alive because she sews and knits for her captors. Eventually her husband pays to have them released.

10 “Upon the Burning of Our House” and “To My Dear and Loving Husband”
Author Anne Bradstreet Summary Poems written about everyday occurrences in the poet’s life Her works reflect her faith in God because of frequent references to the Bible

11 Poor Richard’s Almanack
Author Benjamin Franklin Summary Collection of aphorisms (sayings or observations about life) Examples “Honesty is the best policy.” “Fish and visitors smell in three days.” “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

12 “The Rhetoric of Revolution”
Summary Rhetoric is the “art of persuasion” or language intended persuade Based on three types of appeal Appeal to reason, logic, and evidence Appeal to emotions, such as fear, pride, and hate Ethical appeal to person’s values and beliefs Examples Patrick Henry’s “Speech to Second Virginia Convention” Thomas Jefferson “Declaration of Independence” Purpose To persuade colonists to unite against Great Britain and fight for independence

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