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Dining Out 6-8 grade Link to the Digital Library

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1 Dining Out 6-8 grade Link to the Digital Library
6-8 grade


3 Alteration: Use different restaurant

4 Did they do the order form correctly, tax, tip
Teacher Checkpoint Did they do the order form correctly, tax, tip SS Extension: Find sales tax in other towns and states. Why is it different? Have students put theirs on the board and have another group answer it. Help them understand what went wrong with the other group.

5 Teacher Checkpoint Pick a coupon card. Adjust your order total accordingly Alteration: Change coupons for different percents/fractions. I.e. 15%, 1/7 off, etc.

6 Teacher Checkpoint Have them pay with their money. Give them different change scenarios. i.e. You want $5 in change, how much do you give them, Or you want your change in quarter, how many do you get back, Or student will be shorted some money when given their change, and they need to determine how much. Alteration: Have students write checks to pay or give them a % fee for using a credit card, etc. Add a $50 or $100

7 4 attributes 1. Learning objective - understand and apply concepts of fractions, decimals, percents to money, making change, figure tax and tip. 2. Elicit Evidence - filling out order form, making change 3. Interpret Evidence - checking work at teacher checkpoints 4. Acting on Evidence - are they able to move on to next checkpoint or do they need to go back and practice more.

8 English language learners
Students get to talk about and choose what they like (restaurant) Working in pairs/groups They can relate to restaurant and money

9 Culturally responsive
Relate to their community Real-life situtations

10 rubric Have a student survey -
Which part was easiest, which was most difficult for them Most important thing they learned How would they apply this to real life

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