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Presentation on theme: "NEW IMPERIALISM 1800-1914."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition of Imperialism:
The domination by one country of the political (government & laws), economic (wealth, trade, resources), or cultural (language, religion, education) life of another country or region.

Industrialized nations: Britain, France, Germany, Japan, United States… Need natural resources Need places to sell manufactured goods Need bases to re-fuel ships The industrialized countries have a technological advantage over non-industrialized areas

4 NEW IMPERIALISM- 1800-1914 Example
Territorial conquest Use of economic and technological means to make the regions conquered suppliers of raw materials and consumers of manufactured goods Example Britain takes over Kenya by force. Kenyans grow peanuts and coffee instead of crops they can eat. Kenyans have to buy British goods with the money they make on British-owned farms.

5 Slide P

6 Analyzing Primary Source Slides
Imperialism Motives What led industrialized nations to colonize other parts of the world? Analyzing Primary Source Slides

7 Motives for Imperialism
ECONOMIC Desire to make $ Control trade Access to new markets Acquire raw materials Cheap labor Export goods POLITICAL National power Compete w/ other European countries Expand territory & use military force Boost national pride = NATIONALISM

8 RELIGIOUS EXPLORATORY IDEOLOGICAL desire to spread Christianity
Spread European values and moral beliefs; educate in Euro ideas End slave trade EXPLORATORY Desire to explore the “unknown” Scientific research Adventure Medical- causes/cures for disease IDEOLOGICAL belief in superiority of Euro/American/Japanese people Other cultures “barbarians,” or “primitive” and should be “civilized” Great nations should have empires; strong nations over the weak

Which motives are evident in each slide?

10 Slide A

11 Slide B

12 Slide C

13 Slide D

14 Slide E

15 Slide F

16 Slide G

17 Slide H

18 Slide I

19 Slide J

20 Slide K

21 Slide L

22 Slide M

23 Slide N

24 Slide O

25 Slide P

Document Analysis

27 The Civilizing Mission
General Questions: What does it mean to be “civilized”? Who are the colonizers and who are the colonized peoples? Document Qs: What are the similarities? What will the colonized people benefit from by interacting with the Europeans and Japanese?

28 The Civilizing Mission
Jules Ferry – “On French Colonial Expansion” Duty to civilize Spanish didn’t “civilize” natives, but the French will Bring French culture to natives Prince Konoe- “On Japanese Education in China Instructing Chinese students Japanese language; dorms Patriotism for Japan, not China SIMILARITIES Superiority; duty “helping” and “teaching” by giving their culture/education

29 The Industrial Mission
What is “industry”? What were industrialized nations trying to do? What would they use natural resources for?

30 Tariffs help US automakers!
$$$ $$ NEIN! New cost of Le Car in USA: $$$$$ Who’s gonna buy me?

31 Our colonies, our prices!!!

Companies used images of empire to promote the quality of their products




36 Here, Batger's and Company are using a politician to identify their colonial connections. Joseph Chamberlain was the most powerful Colonial advocate of his day and would have been instantly recognisable as such. The use of his picture would have linked their product, and its unmistakable name, to the British Empire with all that that entailed.

37 Here, the company has gone so far as to name itself after the figurehead of the British Empire. Associations of familiarity, endurance and respectability would have been uppermost in the merchant's minds. The images present on this poster are then used to link their company's identity with that of the real royal family and then continuing on again to being associated with Her Majesty's armed forces. Similar to the royal family, the armed forces would have conveyed a reassuring and reliable association for any customers and viewers of the advertisement. The armed forces are also used to portray some kind of international appeal by being drawn from units and soldiers from all over the colonies and dominions.

38 Army is extension of King/Queen
Here, the army on maneuvers, or on campaign, provides the imperial connection. The British army could be counted upon for exuding an air of ruggedness and dependability but at the same time the use of the image of an officer allows for a level of discernment and sophistication to be present. Also notice the presence of Indian soldiers for just that extra imperial ingredient.

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