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[participants in a FORCE]

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2 [participants in a FORCE]
Agent (Giving the force) Agent Receiver (Receiving the force) Receiver A man opening a door

3 Identify the respective
agents and receivers in your examples.

4 [representing FORCES]
Step 1: Select the object you are interested in. Step 2: Identify the types of forces acting ON the object. Step 3: Draw arrows to indicate where forces are applied. *If there is more than one force, we will label the arrows. *Forces of the SAME TYPE in the SAME DIRECTION can be combined. Step 1: Identify object Door Step 2: Identify forces acting on object The pulling force by the man Step 3

5 Let’s learn about identifying forces!

6 Step 1: Identify object Stationary bicycle Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Support force/contact force by the ground (on the two wheels) support force support force gravity

7 Step 1: Identify object Moving bicycle Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Support force/contact force by the ground (on the two wheels) Pushing force by pedalling Frictional force by the ground Air resistance air resistance support force support force Frictional force pushing force (driving force) gravity

8 Try it with your partner!

9 Step 1: Identify object A pile of books on a table Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Support force/contact force by the table support force gravity

10 Step 1: Identify object Parachuting man Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Air resistance by air air resistance gravity

11 Step 1: Identify object Ball Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Support force/contact force by the ground Pushing force by the boy Frictional force by the ground pushing force support force frictional force gravity

12 Step 1: Identify object Rock Step 2: Identify forces acting on object Gravitational force by Earth Support force/contact force by the ground Pulling force by the man Pushing force by the man Frictional force by the ground support force pushing force pulling force frictional force gravity

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