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Implementation Strategy July 2002
STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE PROCESS SPONSOR Proposes Standard 8 1 ORP Publishes & Maintains Standards Committee Reviews 7 2 Standing Committee Recommends Approval / Disapproval Standing Committee Reviews Priorities 6 3 Standards Committee Reviews Draft Standards Committee Coordinates SDT 5 4 SDT Develops Standard Pkg Implementation Strategy July 2002
Outline Purpose Benefits Standards Development Lifecycle Process
Composite View of Standards Lifecycle Next Steps
Purpose To allow Standards to evolve in an orderly and repeatable manner while ensuring compatibility and supportability across the State’s core IT infrastructure. The statewide Standards Development Lifecycle Process (SDLP) provides a uniform, repeatable mechanism for the development, adoption and application of enterprise IT standards. The Standards Committee provides guidance and administration of the standards development lifecycle process. ESRT Composition The ESRT is comprised of three to four agency CIO's, representatives from DMB/OITS Standards Division, and representative from Computing Services and Telecommunications. This group reviews standards proposal requests, creates Standards Development Teams (SDT's), reports progress of SDT and presents status of proposed standards to IMPACT for discussion, consideration and recommended action. Recommendations on resources, priorities, and schedule are provided to IMPACT. SDT Composition The SDT is comprised of representatives from DMB/OITS and agencies. SDT resources could include: sponsor, subject matter experts, business partners and vendors as needed. Sponsor Each Standard Proposal Request must have a sponsor. The sponsor could be any of the following: State CIO, Agency CIO’s, OITS, ESRT, Computing Services, Telecommunications, Leadership Teams, Office of Purchasing, Interest Groups, Business Partners and Vendors
Benefits From a Standards Development Lifecycle Process
Provides coordinated and timely standards development administration. Ensures prioritization and support for standards development process. Reduces cost of government through efficient and consistent technology management.
Outcomes / Deliverables
Need Identified SPONSOR offers SPR for problem/need Step 1 Sponsor Prepares Standard Proposal Request (SPR) for creation, implementation, change or deletion of an enterprise standard. SPR is submitted to the the Standards Committee for review. Step 1: Sponsor Offers Standard Proposal Request for Problem / Need In the first step, the need is identified. A sponsor submits a Standard Proposal Request (SPR) that outlines the enterprise standard that needs to be implemented, modified or deleted. The SPR is sent to the DMB/OITS Standards Division. The SPR is reviewed for scope, feasibility, impact, resources and alternatives. OITS will determine if the proposal is in compliance with strategic direction of the state. After working with the submitter to complete the form (if necessary), the SPR is submitted to the ESRT for review. Existing standards are reviewed annually. OITS will review each existing standard on its anniversary and submit a recommendation to ESRT for the standard’s future (let stand, modify or delete). All recommendations will be reported to IMPACT group. Outcome / Deliverables: Standard Proposal Request Submitted Outcomes / Deliverables Standard Proposal Request Prepared and Submitted
Standards Committee Reviews Standard Proposal Request Step 2 ORP Schedules meetings Reviews standard proposal requests for scope, feasibility, impact, resources and alternatives Assesses compliance with strategic direction ESRT reviews and sends recommendation for priorities, resources, and schedules, to IMPACT Step 2: ESRT Reviews Standard Proposal Request OITS has administrative responsibility to: Review standard proposal requests for completeness Assess SPR compliance with strategic direction Prepare agenda and materials for ESRT meeting Schedule the ESRT meeting Track all proposals Prepare status reports to IMPACT ESRT reviews SPRs, proposed resources, proposed schedules and prepares recommendations for IMPACT. ESRT will meet monthly or more frequently as needed. Outcome / Deliverables: Recommendations to IMPACT Outcomes / Deliverables Recommendations to Standing Committee
Reviews priorities & resources
Standing Committee Standing Committee Reviews priorities & resources Step 3 Standing Committee Provides executive guidance for initiation of standards through review of scope, feasibility, impact, and resources. State CIO - Final approval of priorities, resources and schedules Step 3: IMPACT Reviews Priorities and Resources IMPACT will receive from ESRT on a monthly basis: A list of new SPRs and associated ESRT recommendations for priorities, resources, and schedules The progress of all outstanding proposals IMPACT and the State CIO will decide priorities, identify and provide resources, and approve schedules. Outcome / Deliverables: Identifies which standards to develop, in what priority and what resources may be available. Outcomes / Deliverables Decisions Priorities Resources
Establish and Coordinate Standards Development Teams
Standards Committee Coordinates SDT Step 4 Standards Committee Establishes Standards Development Team (SDT) Provides Project Plan Outline Activates standard templates Reports progress of SDT Prepares status information Step 4: ESRT Coordinates Standards Development Team (SDT) ESRT forms the Standards Development Team(s) based on IMPACT’s acceptance of the SPRs, their priority and resource availability. Each SDT will be provided a standards template package to follow, which includes: A project plan with target dates Findings template Presentation template Draft standards template An OITS representative chairs each SDT and is responsible for the administrative tasks associated with the team. The goal is to have most standards developed in less than a 30-day timeframe. Outcomes / Deliverables: The SDT is assigned. Outcomes / Deliverables SDT Assigned Collect and maintain status information
Standards Development Team (SDT)
SDT Develops Draft Standard Package Step 5 SDT Reviews SPR and Complete Project Plan Researches issues related to standard Prepares findings Post for comments Completes Draft standards package Step 5: SDT Develops Draft Standard Package Conduct a through review and research of a specific Standard Proposal Requests (SPR). Validate the scope of proposal. The SDT customizes the project plan and returns it to ESRT. Next, research begins. Included are market trends as reported by the State’s business partners, the State’s IT Research and Analysis vendors (GIGA, Gartner, Faulker, etc.), agency impact, enterprise impact, business cases, technology implications, cultural effects, etc. The findings are documented and a draft standard is developed and posted for comments. The project plan is maintained and updated to allow weekly status reporting to ESRT. At the conclusion of a comment period, the standards package is completed and set to ESRT. Outcomes / Deliverables: Completed standard template, customized project plan, weekly status, draft standard. Outcomes / Deliverables Project Plan Draft Standard Package
Review Draft Standard Package
Standards Committee Reviews Draft Standard Package Step 6 Standards Committee Reviews draft standard package Post for Review Sends to Standing Committee for review / recommendation Step 6: ESRT Reviews Draft Standard Package The SDT presents the draft standard package to ESRT for review. ESRT may return the draft to the SDT for further research or to answer questions. When ESRT is satisfied, the draft standard package along with summary documentation is provided to IMPACT for review and approval. The completed package is posted in advance for review. Outcomes / Deliverables: Draft Standard package completed and posted for agency CIO review. Outcomes / Deliverables Status Reports Recommendations to Standing Committee
Outcomes / Deliverables
Standards Approval Standing Committee Recommends approval /disapproval Step 7 Standing Committee Reviews draft standards package Discuss and considers implementation to enterprise direction and Agency operations. Recommends approval / disapproval of the draft standards package for publication State CIO provides final approval / disapproval Step 7: IMPACT Recommends Approval / Disapproval ESRT sends the draft standard package to IMPACT. IMPACT acts on the recommendations. When IMPACT reaches a decision, the standard is approved by the State CIO for publication. The State CIO provides final approval from the IT community. Outcomes / Deliverables: Approval of an enterprise standard Outcomes / Deliverables Approval of Standard for Publication
Outcomes / Deliverables
Publish Standard ORP Publishes & Maintains Standing Committee / ORP Notifies all stakeholders and participants of availability for final standard Publishes Standard - updates Administration Guide and web site Performs Post Implementation Review and Maintenance Step 8 Step 8: ESRT and DMB/OITS Publish and Maintain Standards IMPACT returns approval status to ESRT. ESRT notifies all stakeholders and participants of approval of the standard. The standard is submitted to be published as part of the DMB Administrative Guide to State Government. The standard is also published on the State CIO web site. Post implementation review of the standard occurs 90 days after initial implementation. The sponsor of the proposal, members of the SDT, and IMPACT will be polled for their perspective of the results of the implementation. Results will be reported to through ESRT to IMPACT. The SPR will then be closed. The SDT is thanked and disbanded. ESRT will report the progress of all proposals and standards to IMPACT on a monthly basis. Outcomes / Deliverables: Published standard Outcomes / Deliverables Published standard Maintain Standard
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