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Walking Toward Jesus “Come and See!”.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking Toward Jesus “Come and See!”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking Toward Jesus “Come and See!”

2 Opening Activity Simon Bop-it or This is a What?

3 Opening Question: If you could spend the day with one person, who would it be & why? What are some questions you would ask or topics you would want to discuss?

4 Forrest Gump Clip

5 Forrest Running: Why do you think so many people followed Forrest Gump? What were they hoping he would bring them? Do you think it worked? Why or why not?

6 Agree or Disagree: People are looking for someone to follow. Why?

7 Come and See a dramatic reading
John 1: Characters: Narrator John the Baptist Jesus Andrew Peter

8 John 1:35-40 – The Basics Who are the people in this scene?
Why did the two men begin to follow Jesus? What does Jesus ask them? What is their response? What is Jesus reply? What do these two disciples do?

9 If you were to spend the day with Jesus would you…
Play Jenga or Apples to Apples? Watch a movie or go on a hike? Eat at Taco Cabana or Alamo Cafe Play basketball or frisbee golf? Invite him to church or invite him to work? Tell him about your job or ask him about his ministry? Ask about him or ask about you?

10 John 1:35-40 – The Basics Who are the people in this scene?
Why did the two men begin to follow Jesus? What does Jesus ask them? What is their response? What is Jesus reply? What do these two disciples do? How do you think that time changed the course of their lives?

11 John 1: 40-42 Jesus said “come and see”,
After spending the day with Jesus, how does Andrew respond? Jesus said “come and see”, and Andrew invites his brother to come and see. If you spent the day with Jesus, who would be the first person you would want to tell and why? What did Andrew say to Simon? Why is that significant? How did he come to that realization?

12 Application Question:
Jesus invites us to come and see, and we invite others to come and see Jesus. Application Question: Who is someone that you can invite to come and see Jesus? Challenge: When people see your life, will they come to Jesus?

13 Jesus gives nicknames

14 Nicknames: The Office clip

15 John 1: 42: What does your name mean? Or Why did your parents name you what they did? Why are names significant? What is a nickname that someone has given you, did you like it? Did this name stick? What does a nickname say about the person? What does it say about the person giving the nickname? What is the nickname Jesus gives Simon? Why might that name be significant? How does this “come and see” moment change Simon?

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