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Subkingdom Protozoa Protozoa consists of more than 50,000 species live in different types of environments Most of these species are microscopic (2-25.

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Presentation on theme: "Subkingdom Protozoa Protozoa consists of more than 50,000 species live in different types of environments Most of these species are microscopic (2-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subkingdom Protozoa Protozoa consists of more than 50,000 species live in different types of environments Most of these species are microscopic (2-25 microns) and a few of them can be seen with the naked eye (is it possible that up to 25 mm), all single cell. Most of these species are living alone and a little in the form of colonies.

2 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Sarcomastigophora Subphylum Sarcodina Class Lobosea Order Amoebida Genus Amoeba Species Amoeba proteus


4 · It is Irregular in the shape
Lab Exercise # 3 Zoo- 103 Amoeba · It is Irregular in the shape · The pseudopodia are the locomotary organs · It has central large nucleus, contractile and food vacuoles

5 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Sarcomastigophora Subphylum Sarcodina Class Lobosea Order Amoebida Genus Entamoeba Species - Entamoeba coli - Entamoeba histolytica


7 انتاميبا كولاى Entameoba coli
This kind of Entamoeba found in the human large intestine Does not cause any disease

8 Habitat Large intestine of man
Host Human Infective stage Trophozoite Diagnostic stage Cyst in faeces Disease Amoebiasis

9 Life cycle of E. histolytica

10 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Sarcomastigophora Subphylum Mastigophora Class Phytomastigophora Genus Euglena Species Euglena viridis


12 Euglena Lab Exercise # 3 Zoo- 103 · It is Carrot shaped
· The flagellum is the locomotary organ · It has central small round nucleus and chloroplasts

13 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Ciliophora Class Oligohymenophorea Order Peniculida Genus Paramecium Species caudatum

14 البراميسيوم Paramecium
من شعبة الأوليات الحيوانية Phylum Protozoa شعيبة الهدبيات Subphylum Ciliophora يعيش البراميسيوم في برك ومستنقعات المياه العذبة الغنية بالنباتات المتحللة. السابق التالي

15 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Sarcomastigophora Subphylum Mastigophora Class Zoomastigophora Order Kinetoplastida Genus Trypanosoma

16 · The cilia are the locomotary organs
Lab Exercise # 3 Zoo- 103 Paramecium Shoe- sole in shape · The cilia are the locomotary organs · It has two nuclei (macronucleus and micronucleus) and contractile, food vacuoles. Macronucleus Cilia


18 Trypanosoma Lab Exercise # 3 Zoo- 103 · It is fusiform in the shape
· The flagellum is the locomotory organ · It has central round nucleus

19 دورة الحياة : وتتم العدوى الإنسان عندما تلدغ الذبابة المصابة شخصاً سليماً ينتقل إلى دمه الطور المعدى وهناك يتكاثر بسرعة بالانشطار الثنائى الطولى وينتقل إلى المخ ويسبب المرض المعروف بمرض النوم Sleeping sickness .

20 Kingdom Protista Subkingdom Protozoa Phylum Apicomplexa Class Sporozoa Order Eucoccidiida Suborder Haemosporina Genus Plasmodium Species vivax

21 البلازموديوم Plasmodium
Commonly known as malarial parasite Found in intracellular Liver and blood. Infecting human, monkeys and rodents. It cause very familiar disease malaria Human act as intermediate host and mosquito as definitive host الابق

22 Ex: Plasmodium vivax الإنسان الكبد المرحلة خلايا الكبد المرحلة البعوض
البيضة المتكيسة EXO - الكريات الحمر دورة المتقسمة لافراج عن sporozoites الدم البشري المرحلة دورة الكريات الحمر

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