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DOZ Lόγος The Word Yo^han 1:1-5 = John 1:1-5

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1 DOZ Lόγος The Word Yo^han 1:1-5 = John 1:1-5
Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/October 13, 2013 DOZ Lόγος The Word Yo^han 1:1-5 = John 1:1-5

2 1 Dongh cor maiv gaengh zeix lungh zeix ndau wuov zanc, Doz zungv yiem nyei. Doz caux Tin-Hungh yiem yaac dongh Tin-Hungh. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (NIV). 2

3 2 Zinh ndaangc yiem gorn wuov zanc, Doz caux Tin-Hungh yiem.
2 He was with God in the beginning. (NIV). 3

4 3 Tin-Hungh longc ninh zeix cuotv maanc muotc
3 Tin-Hungh longc ninh zeix cuotv maanc muotc. Maiv maaih yietc nyungc Tin-Hungh maiv longc Doz zeix. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (NIV). 4

5 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. (NIV).
4 Doz zoux ziangh maengc nyei gorn-nyuonh. Naaiv nyungc maengc dorh njang daaih ziux baamh mienh. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. (NIV). 5

6 5 Njang ziux bieqc hmuangx nyei dorngx, hmuangx yaac maiv haih hingh njang The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (NIV). 6

7 Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
Ih hnoi mbuo oix hoqc taux buo nyungc Yesu nyei jauv fai Doz nyei jauv hnangv haaix nor. Today, we are going to learn three things about Jesus or the Word (Lόγος) 7

8 "Lόγος” maaih eix-leiz gorngv taux “DOZ” janx Gikc waac caux mienh waac nyei eix-leiz se gauh nitv fatv, mv baac Ang^gitv waac mv maaih waac gorngv, kungx longc waac hnangv. The word “Lόγος” in Greek language has a deeper meaning, it has the same meaning as Mien Language. But in English word doesn’t has the word for “Lόγος” or “DOZ” as Mien and Greek. 8

9 I. (1:1-2) Jesus Christ, Son of God—Eternal—Preexistent—Revelation.
I. (1:1-2) Yesu Giduc, se Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn–Yietc liuz ziangh jienv– cuotv ndaangc maanc muotc–benx laauc yaangh nyei jauv. I. (1:1-2) Jesus Christ, Son of God—Eternal—Preexistent—Revelation. 9

10 A. Yesu Giduc se benx ziangh jienv nyei Doz: Yo^han zoux zorng-zengx gorngv nyei da’yietv nyungc jauv (1:1-5). A. Jesus Christ the Living Word: The First Witness of John the Apostle, 1:1-5) 10

11 1. Yesu Giduc yietc liuz ziangh jienv. Jesus Christ is eternal (vv
2. Yesu Giduc se dongh zeix maanc muotc wuov dauh Ziouv. Jesus Christ is the Creator (v.3) 3. Yesu Giduc se zoux ziangh maengc nyei gorn-nyuonh. Jesus Christ is life (vv.4-5). 11

12 II. Yesu Giduc, dongh zeix maanc muotc wuov dauh Ziouv (3y).
Jesus Christ, Creator (v. 3): 12

13 “Tin-Hungh longc ninh zeix cuotv maanc muotc
“Tin-Hungh longc ninh zeix cuotv maanc muotc. Maiv maaih yietc nyungc Tin-Hungh maiv longc Doz zeix.” (Yo^han 1:3) “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1:3 ) NIV 13

14 “Tin-Hungh longc ninh zeix yiem lungh yiem ndau nyei maanc muotc daaih, maiv gunv mangc duqv buatc nyei fai mangc maiv buatc nyei, yiem ndaamv-lungh zueiz weic nyei, zoux ziouv nyei, maaih lingc maaih qaqv nyei. Tin-Hungh longc ninh nyei Dorn zeix maanc muotc daaih yaac zeix daaih weic ninh.” (Ko^lo^si 1:16). “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16) 14

15 “mv baac weic mbuo nor, kungx maaih nduqc dauh Tin-Hungh hnangv, se Zaangc Diex, dongh zeix maanc muotc wuov dauh. Mbuo yaac weic ninh yiem. Yaac kungx maaih nduqc dauh Ziouv hnangv, se Yesu Giduc. Tin-Hungh longc Yesu zeix maanc muotc. Mbuo yaac bangc ninh yiem.” (1 Ko^lin^to 8:6). “yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” (1 Corinthians 8:6). 15

16 "Loz-hnoi Tin-Hungh longc ninh nyei zuangx douc waac mienh yaac longc camv-nyungc za'eix caux mbuo nyei ong-taaix mbuo gorngv camv-nzunc. 2 Mv baac yiem naaiv deix setv mueiz nyei hnoi Tin-Hungh longc ninh nyei Dorn caux mbuo gorngv. Naaiv dauh Dorn Tin-Hungh longc zeix maanc muotc yaac paaiv ninh nzipc maanc muotc benx ninh nyei jaa-dingh.” (Hipv^lu 1:1-2) “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.” (Hebrews 1:1-2) 16

17 III. Yesu Giduc, se dongh “Ziangh Maengc—Njang(1:4-5): Yesu gorngv,…
III. Yesu Giduc, se dongh “Ziangh Maengc—Njang(1:4-5): Yesu gorngv,…..“yie daaih weic bun baamh mienh duqv ziangh maengc, zungv oix bun ninh mbuo duqv dunh yunh nyei maengc.” (Yo^han 10:10). Jesus Christ, Life—Light (1:4-5): Jesus is the life, He said,…..“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) 17

18 "35 Yesu mbuox ninh mbuo, "Njang aengx caux meih mbuo yiem douc hnangv
"35 Yesu mbuox ninh mbuo, "Njang aengx caux meih mbuo yiem douc hnangv. Corc maaih njang nyei ziangh hoc gaanv jienv yangh jauv mingh aqv. M'nziex hmuangx oix daaih om jienv meih mbuo. Haaix dauh yiem hmuangx yangh jauv, wuov dauh maiv hiuv duqv ninh mingh haaix. 36 Maaih njang nyei ziangh hoc meih mbuo oix zuqc sienx kaux njang. Meih mbuo ziouc benx yiem njang nyei mienh……” Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. 36 Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light…..” (John 12:35-36) 18

19 "Yie daaih bieqc baamh gen weic zoux norm njang
"Yie daaih bieqc baamh gen weic zoux norm njang. Haaix dauh sienx yie, maiv zuqc yiem hmuangx gu'nyuoz.” (Yo^han 12:46) “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” (John 12:46 NIV). 19

20 Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion
1:5) Njang: Yesu zoux Njang ziux baamh gen hmuangx nyei dorngx, biux mengh bun baamh mienh hiuv taux zuiz nyei jauv, se hnangv njang bun mienh haih mangc duqv buatc jauv. Weic zuqc Yesu zoux njang, zoux jauv, zoux zien leiz dorh mbuo, bun mbuo mingh lorz Tin-Hungh caux ziangh maengc (Yo^han 14:6); 3:16; 3:19-20; 12:36-46). (1:5) Light: Jesus as a light for the world, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life and the Light of the world. Light reveals, strips away (John.3:19-20), routs the chaos (John 14:6), and guides (John.l2:36 46).

21 1. Yesu Giduc yietc liuz ziangh jienv. Jesus Christ is eternal (vv
2. Yesu Giduc se dongh zeix maanc muotc wuov dauh Ziouv. Jesus Christ is the Creator (v.3) 3. Yesu Giduc se zoux ziangh maengc nyei gorn-nyuonh. Jesus Christ is life (vv.4-5). 21

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