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Guangzhou Nansha New Zone and

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1 Guangzhou Nansha New Zone and
Free Trade Zone *本次活动目的:1.相互了解,2.寻找合作 *圆桌座谈,我先讲,过程随时可以插话提问;10分钟茶歇;集中交流;分别交流 2017·09

2 Preferential Policies
Location and Positioning 01 People’s Livelihood 06 Economic Development 02 Eco-environment 07 Profile of Nansha Transportation Hub 03 Industrial Pattern 08 Urban Development 04 Opening and Cooperation 09 Regional Planning 05 10 Institutional Innovation Preferential Policies 01 Preferential Policies

3 1.1 Profile of Nansha--Location and Positioning
One of the three economic rims in China, the state-level strategic new zone and pilot free trade zone located in the geometric center of PRD, with strategic significance equal to Shanghai Putong and Tianjin Binhai Bohai Economic Rim Binhai, Tianjin China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone The Yangtze River Delta Economic Rim Pudong, Shanghai The Pearl River Delta Economic Rim Nansha, Guangzhou 香港 澳门 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone 2017 An opening-up gateway hub of Guangdong and a core city within Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 2016-An urban sub-center of Guangzhou 2014-A pilot free trade zone 2012-A state-level strategic new zone 2005-An administrative district of Guangzhou *三个经济圈占中国经济一半,珠三角的特点:全球城市2/4加上香港澳门是4/6,面向南海,经济密度高,藏富于民, *中长期的发展历史:生态-工业-城市 1993-Economic and technological development zone

4 *中长期的发展历史:生态-工业-城市,湾区:野蛮增长-规模增长-有序增长 *机场客流量比纽约地区6大机场大30% *地理中心-交通中心
1.1 Profile of Nansha—Location and Positioning Tip of the A-shape Pearl River estuary, 38 nautical miles to Hong Kong and 41 nautical miles to Macao 11 modernized cities of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 5 international airports and a high-end population of 70 million are within 100-km radius of Nansha, with accumulative GDP accounting for one seventh of the total in China Covering an area of 803 km2, with a permanent resident population of 780,000, with an available land for construction area of 90 km2 *中长期的发展历史:生态-工业-城市,湾区:野蛮增长-规模增长-有序增长 *机场客流量比纽约地区6大机场大30% *地理中心-交通中心

5 GNP(RMB 100 million)and its growth rate(%)
1.2 Profile of Nansha—Economic Development Nansha's GDP reached billion yuan in the first half of 2017, an increase of 11.58% year on year GDP growth rate ranks first among all 11 districts in Guangzhou for consecutive 14 quarters. Total industrial output value, fixed asset investment, and general revenue of public budget increased respectively by 3%, 10%, and 5.5% year on year 28378 enterprises are newly established, over double of the total number since the establishment of the Free Trade Zone *经济实力人均高、增长快 GNP(RMB 100 million)and its growth rate(%)

6 1.3 Profile of Nansha--Transportation Hub
one-hour life circle among cities within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 84 major transportation infrastructure projects worth billion yuan well under way Connecting to city center of Guangzhou: 3 highways, 3 fast roads and metro line 18 under construction, allowing 30 minutes to the city center Connecting to two banks of the Bay Area: Shenzhen-Zhongshan corridor, the 2nd Humen Bridge, Nansha Port Railway under construction, Shenzhen-Maoming Railway,etc。 Other major infrastructure projects: Phase one of the widening project for deep-water navigation channel to be put into use by the end of this year; phase four of Nansha Port, international terminal, river-and-sea inter-model terminal under construction; and early preparation for commercial airport and Nansha hub well under way Internal transportation network: As part of the urban road skeleton structure system, Phoenix Bridge 1, 2, 3, Phoenix Avenue, two bridges across Jiaomen Bridge and phase one of Bay Area Road are ready for use; Pearl Bay Bridge, Qingsha Road, Wanxin Avenue, Huanglan Road, Shazai Bridge 2, extension of Xixian Road and Metro Line 15 to begin construction *广州、深圳、香港,都是1hr左右, *仅公路,加上铁路,核心城市30min生活圈 *港珠澳大桥没到深圳,所以真正连通湾区的深中、深茂、虎门一二,均在南沙 *

7 ④ ① ⑥ ⑤ ② ③ ⑦ 1.4 Profile of Nansha--Regional Planning
The area of land is 570km2; the Free Trade Zone, 60km2: ① The Harbor Block ② The Pearl Bay Start-up Area Block ③ Nansha Hub Block ④ Qingsheng Hub Block ⑤ Nansha Bay Block ⑥ Jiaomen River CBD Block ⑦ Wanqingsha Bonded Processing and Manufacturing Block *1.港口区 *2.新中心区 *3.香港园 *4.新科技区 *5.现科技区 *6.现中心区 *7.新工业区

8 1.5 Profile of Nansha--Urban Development
Fixed Asset Investment(RMB 100 million) Year-on-year Growth of Fixed Asset Investment(%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 All-in-one planning framework and an integrated planning management mapping concept, with FTZ development planning and comprehensive transportation planning ready Jiaomen River central area: 6.23 million m2, a headquarters clustering area and the city lounge Pearl Bay start-up area: 1.71 million m2 , with trunk road network and major bridges ready for use Nansha Bay area: Construction of international cruise home-port well underway, extension of Metro Line 4 to be operational in 2017 Creating a high-level and international coastal eco-city pattern, supported with high-class public service system *广州的珠江新城总共投入2000亿,南沙投入维持在1000亿/年,高速有序发展 *

9 1.6 Profile of Nansha--People’s Livelihood
The expenditure on people's livelihood and other social undertakings accounting for 88% of the fiscal expenditure 79 education and medical service related projects under construction, with investment volume reaching 5.44 billion yuan Employment rate of 78% for registered unemployed urban residents, ranking first for the 7th consecutive year in Guangzhou To control the property market size and housing price, and to increase the supply for affordable housing Taxes from Nansha(RMB 100 million) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Beijing 44875 Shenzhen 66326 Shanghai 47393 Qianhai, Shenzhen 103000 Xiamen 30117 Zhuhai 24395 Nanjing 21739 Hengqin, Zhuhai 42000 Hangzhou 20456 Guangzhou 22898 Suzhou 16605 Nansha, Guangzhou 15027 Wuhan 12106 Dongguan 16983 Guaranteeing 15% of “Reserve Land” in land acquisition and removal, and implementing the improvement project of countryside environment The state-level elementary education internationalization demonstration zone; the state-level health care tourism exemplary base; the state-level community governance and service innovation experimental zone The Second Affiliated School to South China Normal University, Primary School Affiliated to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Shrewsbury International Experimental School, Nansha branch of Guangzhou Women and Children's Hospital, phase two of Nansha Central Hospital, Disease Control and Prevention Center, Nansha Library, Opera House and Museum, well under way *地方财政的土地依赖低,房屋的资产属性弱 *控制楼价:1.地价,2.让来南沙的人住南沙的房 *生活配套无明显短板 *最后一个短板被跨境电商弥补 Average price of new commercial housing in the 4th quarter of 2016 (yuan per square meter)

10 Excellent air quality rate(%) PM2.5 concentration(μg/m3)
2013 2014 2015 2016 Excellent air quality rate(%) PM2.5 concentration(μg/m3) 1.7 Profile of Nansha—Eco-environment 43.2% of green ratio for built-up areas in Nansha, including 7,749 hectares of forest Winner of UN International Award for Liveable Communities in 2011 Canal improvement, Phoenix lake and other ecological corridors along main roads in Nansha Wetland park, Huangshanlu national forest park and other ecological attractions 30% of water, 5% of forest, 65% of flat ground, and 25% ecological reserve 2014 *人造万亩湿地 *一线城市的机会,二线城市的消费,乡间小镇的环境

11 1.8 Nansha Profile--Industrial Pattern
Nansha has formed a industrial framework giving equal emphasis to modern service industry (shipping logistics, cross-border e-commerce, financial lesing, headquarters economy and ect.) and advanced manufacturing industry (automobile manufacturing, ship repairing and building, maritime engineering equipment, and nuclear power equipment). Percentage of the three main industries in GDP(%) Primary industry 4.26% Tertiary industry 29.80% Secondary industry 65.94% The investment in industrial technical transformation increased by 1.3 times, driving the increase of investment in industry by 34%. The increased value of primary industry enjoyed a year- on-year growth of 28.6%, contributing to over 53.2% of GDP growth. Focus on developing high-end manufacturing, shipping logistics, technological innovation, and financial business industry. GDP of industry of designated scale (100 million RMB)

12 1.8.1Industrial Pattern--High-end Manufacturing Current Situation
Whole automobile industry chain: Guangqi Toyota Automobile Town The third largest ship-building maritime engineering base: Longxue Island Ship-building Base Shidle tunneling machine and railway transport equipment manufacturing of Herrenknecht and China Railway Engineering Corporation Manufacturing of nuclear power equipment of Dongfang Electric Corporation and Vallourec The world manufacturing center, with complete supporting facilities. Delta landform, few mountains and flat ground, and stable climate. Obvious late-mover advantages, sufficiant available land. Policy advantages of free trade zone, flexible investment, and low risk. Current Situation Advantages

13 Current Situation Advantages
1.8.2 Industrial Pattern--Harbor-shipping Logistics Current Situation 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Harbor freight volume (10,000 tons), number of containers (TEU) Nansha Port: handled up to 12 million TEU in , ranking the 12th among single port in the world, the fastest-growing port. 81 international liner routes, 31 ”dry ports” Shazai Island: the largest professional automobile ro-ro terminal in China Guangzhou Shipping Transaction Bureau: the largest ship transaction platform in southern China Cruise home-port: rank the third in terms of number of travelers in China Advantages Geometric center and transportation center in Pearl River Delta, beneficial to cargo gathering and distribution The “single window” of international trade and “three mutuals”customs clearance mechanism The location of freight index of pearl river navigation, lower shipping management risk

14 Current Situation Advantages
1.8.3 Industrial Pattern--Technological Innovation Current Situation Advantages 99 munipal enterprise technology R&D centers, 1/4 of all new R&D institutions of Guangzhou. 160 high-tech enterprises, the GDP of products of high-tech enterprises accounts for 55.4% of GDP. R&D innovation platform involving Chinese Academy of Sciences, universities and colleges, and international cooperation has begun to take shape. Build startup investment guidance fund and the first pilot of technology service system of Guangdong Province. Has gathered 14 experts of “Thousand Talents program” and 2 provincial innovation and scientific research teams. Policy interaction and advantages superposition between free trade zone and self-dependent innovation demonstration area. Adjancent to college town to the north, Shenzhen to the east, broad hinterland, beneficial to industrialization of innovative technology. Has built the China Internet of Things Names Service Platform and Nansha sub-center of Guangzhou supercomputer center. High and extensive rewards to top talents and badly-needed talents. Sufficient local finance, annual rewards budget in the amount of over one billion yuan for supporting technical R&D.

15 1.8.4 Industrial Pattern--Financial Business
By May, 2017, there were 2138 financial and similar financial enterprises. Has built 56 cross-border financial innovation pilots like cross-border RMB direct lending. Financial leasing industrial cluster involving oer billion yuan; SPV has introduced 25 planes. 70 investment projects of Global 500, and 98 headquarters enterprises. Special financial and headerquarters economic policies of pilot free trade zone. Finance serves the real economy and the obvious function of globalization management. The first pilot of unified management of internal and external financial leasing in Guangdong Province. Central location avantages of the economic circle, beneficial to the operation of enterprise headquarters. Open to the outside world, beneficial to the international business operation of large enterprises. Current Situation Advantages

16 1.9 Nansha Profile--Open and Cooperative
Total import-export volume (100 million USD) Contractural foreign capital (100 million USD) Nansha accounts for 1/5 of total import-export volume of Guangzhou, contributing to over 60% of increased export. There are 1071 registered cross-border e-commerce enterprises; “Nansha mode” has been copied nationwide. Nansha has built CEPA foods inspection and supervision scheme, and the innovation and entrepreneurship alliance among colleges and universities in Guangdong, Hongkong, and Macao. International capacity and technology cooperation center, “Belt and Road” city port alliance. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Collaboratively promote the planning of surrounding cities with Nansha as center. Promote the development of Guangdong free trade zone and policy extension with Nansha as core. Extend admission limitations to professional service institutes of Hongkong and Macao, and mutual recognition of job qualification. Accelerate building the area of deep cooperation between Guangdong and Hongkong; introduce service enterprises from Hongkong and Macao. Build a one-stop platform for “going global” to establish technical cooperation with international investment. Attract foreign affairs and trade institutes of all countries to set up business representative offices in Nansha. Promote the establishment of exchange and cooperative mechanism for global free trade zones. *投资南沙服务站,广州->深圳

17 1.10 Nansha Profile--Institutional Innovation
Number of increased registered enterprises Increased total registered capital (100 million RMB) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Carry out the negative list manage pattern and “the system of a unified business license with a unified social credit code” to domestic and foreign investment. Enterprises set up “one acceptance window”, Nansha ranks the first in terms of the number and speed of admission jointly running certificates. The international trade mechanism of “single window” and “three mutuals” helps Nansha rank the first nationwide in terms of the customs clearance efficiency. Nansha is the first area in China to implement “the Internet plus easier customs clearance”, inspection and quarantine “smart inspection port”, tracing to the source of quality of global imported and exported commodities, and government's paying for inspection service. Carry out the comprehensive administrative law enforcement and process and post-project supervision with credit supervision as core. Carry out the service of universally available webpage exclusive to enterprises, and “electronic tax bureau” in the whole process. Nansha has the first free trade zone court and procuratorate, and Nansha international arbitration center, and a join operation pilot of law firms in Guangdong, Hongkong, and Macao. Nansha actively explores the cooperation model between government and social capital in such fields as infrastructure construction and zone development.

18 Main features of policy system
2.1 Main Policies for Promoting Investment Preferential Policies Main features of policy system Sound system 1 programmatic document, 1 management method of industrial development fund, and 10 industrial policies. Wide coverage The system covers 1 Nansha key development fields and 3 similar industrial promotion policies, and provide sufficient guarantees to industrial introduction in talents, carriers, and information. Strong pertinence The system gives “customized” supporting policies to enterprises and projects which have great contribution. An enterprise can simultaneously enjoy several supporting policies given by local and higher-level government. Awards given to top managers and backbones of enterprises may reach 100% of tax, and the number of awards winner and the amount of awards are not limited. Convenient operation The policy window implements the service mechanism of “one- window acceptance, internal transfer, integrated service, and finishing within limited time”, ensuring enterprises enjoy corresponding supporting policies on time.

19 The highest incentives
2.1 Supporting Policies to Headquarters Enterprises Financial Incentives to Headquarters Incentives The highest incentives Awards for settling down in Nansha At most 20 million yuan. Awards for economic contribution Give enterprises 95% of their economic contribution to Nansha for consecutive 5 years. Awards for improving energy level Subsidies for office occupancy At most 10 million yuan. Awards for listed enterprises At most 5 million yuan.

20 The highest incentives
2.1 Supporting Policies to Technology Enterprises Incentives to Technology Enterprises Incentives The highest incentives New R&D institutions established in Nansha by national research institutions, well-known domestic and foreign colleges and universities, or world-renowned scientists. At most 100 million yuan. Subsidies for land occupancy of new R&D institutions. At most 10 million yuan. Subsidies for capital investment. At most 3 million yuan. Awards to researches. At most 5 million yuan for each agency each year. New R&D institutions who provide the market with such technology services as technical R&D, inspection and testing, achievement transformation, and scientific and technological consultation. At most 2 million yuan. Obtain project capital deployment of public service platform set up by departments of national development and reform commission and industry and information technology at different levels. At most 5 million yuan.

21 The highest incentives
2.1 Supporting Policies to Financial Enterprises Incentives to Financial and Similar Financial Enterprises Incentives The highest incentives Awards for settling down in Nansha At most 18 million yuan. Awards for economic contribution Award enterprises 100% of economic contribution to Nansha in the first 3 years, and then award them at most 70% of economic contribution to Nansha in the next 2 years. Awards for improving energy level At most 20 million yuan. Subsidies for office occupancy At most 10 million yuan. Awards for listed enterprises At most 5 million yuan.

22 The highest incentives
2.1 Supporting Policies to Talents Supporting Incentives to Talents Incentives The highest incentives Guangzhou innovation and entrepreneurship leading talents support plan. Project expenditure subsidies: 30 million yuan for teams, 1 million yuan for talents. Guangzhou preferential treatment to top-level talents. Monetary subsidies for renting a 200 –square-meter house. Guangzhou talents green card system. The same right as those with Guangzhou family register to buy a house and car. Policies of supporting top-level leading talents. Subsidies in the amount of 2 million yuan for buy a house. Nansha talents awards (cover all top managers with annual tax basis surpassing 300,000 yuan) Equivalent to awards of 40% of individual income tax, at most 2 million yuan. Subsidies for renting and living to invited talents to Nansha. Equivalent to: a house with three bedrooms for a doctor, a house with two bedrooms for a master, and a house with one bedroom or a high-end single room for a bachelor. Talents invited to Nansha new R&D institutions. 5 million yuan. Note: the above content is abstract of part policies, see details in relevant policy documents.

23 Thank You!

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