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Mariner Credentialing Program Policy Division CG-5434

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Presentation on theme: "Mariner Credentialing Program Policy Division CG-5434"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mariner Credentialing Program Policy Division CG-5434
Mr. Luke Harden

2 Mariner Credentialing Program (MCP) Policy Division (CG-5434)
Division Chief GS-15 (Mr. Luke Harden) Attorney Advisor GS-14 (Mr. David Van Nevel) Medical Officer (Occupational Medicine) (Dr. Adrienne Buggs) Marine Personnel Spec LCDR/O4 (LT Cory Heard) Marine Transportation Spec GS-13 (Vacant) LT/O3 (LT Dylan McCall) (Mr. James Cavo) Office of Maritime and International Law CG-0941

3 Appeal Process Awaiting Information Letter Request for Reconsideration
Denial of Request for Reconsideration Letter Appeal Appeal Package to CGHQ Applicant Final Agency Action AI Letter- Letter sent by the NMC to the applicant describing the error found in the application and the correct information required to continue the application. Request for Reconsideration- Applicant believes there is no error in the application. The application is forwarded to a specialist which issue gets re-evaluated. Denial of Request for Reconsideration Letter- Letter sent by the NMC to the applicant which describes more in-depth the error found in the initial application and any additional info submitted in the request for reconsideration. This letter from the NMC states that the applicant has a right to an appeal. Appeal- Mariner appeals the NMC decision and NMC forwards the appeal and application package to Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington D.C.. Final Agency Action- Director of Prevention Policy decision NMC

4 Past 3 Months Appeal Processing Numbers & Completed Appeal Processing Time while at HQ
On Hand- Beginning of Month Received Response Drafted (In Route) Completed On Hand- End of Month Aug-11 78 66 17 127 Sep-11 25 3 135 Oct-11 132 Average Age of Open Appeals 36 as of 04-Oct-2011 Appeals Received at HQ 2008 29 2009 62 2010 138 2011 199

5 Average HQ Appeal Processing Time

6 Average Age of Open Appeals

7 HQ Appeal Outcomes Based on Issue Presented

8 Questions?

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