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Published byJoy Sibyl Spencer Modified over 6 years ago
Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Presentation to the Select Committee on Social Services 21 April 2015
Vision and Mission Vision
To be a pre-eminent leader in electoral democracy. Mission The Electoral Commission is an independent constitutional body which manages free and fair elections of legislative bodies and institutions through the participation of citizens, political parties and civil society in deepening electoral democracy.
Organisational Values
To enable the Electoral Commission to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and permanent and temporary staff, the organisation subscribes to the following organisational values: Impartiality Integrity Accountability Transparency Participation Responsiveness Respect
Legislative and other mandates
In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must:- manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation; ensure that those elections are free and fair; and declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible.
Legislative and other mandates…continued
The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, These include to:– manage any election; ensure that any election is free and fair; promote conditions conducive to free and fair elections; promote knowledge of sound and democratic electoral processes; compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters;
Legislative and other mandates…continued
compile and maintain a register of parties; establish and maintain liaison and co-operation with parties; undertake and promote research into electoral matters; develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government; continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith; promote voter education;
Legislative and other mandates…continued
promote co-operation with and between persons, institutions, governments and administrations for the achievement of its objects; declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; adjudicate disputes which may arise from the organisation, administration or conducting of elections and which are of an administrative nature; and appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary.
Situational analysis Office accommodation is problematic. Municipalities are increasingly no longer in a position to provide (free or paid) accommodation to Electoral Commission staff since they have no spare capacity. Due to the maturing of our democracy and sophistication of political parties, the Electoral Commission has experienced challenges resulting from an increasingly litigious environment over the past few years. The Electoral Commission will replace the stock of zip-zips in the MTEF period as these will be reaching the end of their useful lives. The Electoral Commission will carry out an IT hardware refresh and platform upgrade on a 5 year cycle.
Situational analysis Commissioners have approached the courts to review the Riverside Office Park lease agreement. A new recognition and procedural agreement was entered into between the Electoral Commission and the union wherein it was agreed that terms and conditions for staff at the Electoral Commission would be negotiated independently of the Public Sector Coordinating Bargaining Council. The introduction of smart card technology in respect of identity documents is being implemented by the Department of Home Affairs. The Electoral Commission continues its research to establish what the implications of e-voting on the Electoral Commission are likely to be.
Situational analysis Recent developments with regards to the dissolution of local councils have meant that the numbers of wards where by elections are held has increased substantially. It has become evident that unrepresented parties and increasingly, independent candidates, often contest elections. There is an increasing trend towards the administration of legislative elections other than those specified in the Electoral Act, as well as other non-legislative elections, which the Electoral Commission is often called upon to undertake. The Electoral Commission is often requested to assist with undertaking electoral assistance to other countries.
Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan for 2014/15 to 2018/19 remains unchanged. The strategic plan: Drafted in terms of the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans Developed after a consultative process Adopted by the Commission Covers a period of five years Includes an annual performance plan, which covers a period of three years Includes the strategic goals, measurable objectives, performance indicators and targets of the Commission’s programmes Includes budget in respect of strategic goals Will form the basis for the annual report Procedures will be established for quarterly reporting to the executive authority to facilitate effective performance monitoring, evaluation and corrective action
Strategic Goals Strengthening governance, institutional excellence, professionalism and enabling business processes, at all levels of the organisation Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda, including the strengthening of a cooperative relationship with political parties Strengthening electoral democracy
Strategic Goal 1: Strengthening governance, institutional excellence, professionalism and enabling business processes, at all levels of the organisation Strategic objectives 1.1 Exercise oversight (monitoring, evaluation and leadership) by ensuring the implementation of the Electoral Commission’s core mandate, strategic goals and objectives, aligned with the corresponding budget allocation; 1.2 Exercise efficient oversight (monitoring, evaluation and support) by provision of assurance and risk management services 1.3 Build institutional capacity to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its constitutional mandate;
Strategic Goal 1: Strengthening governance, institutional excellence, professionalism and enabling business processes, at all levels of the organisation Strategic objectives 1.4 Manage financial resources efficiently to protect the public image of the Electoral Commission as an accountable institution; 1.5 Provide and maintain a stable, secure and scalable ICT environment that meets the functional needs of the Electoral Commission and to ensure the credibility of electronic electoral processes;
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 1.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.1.1 Number of governance committees meetings held per annum Quarterly 54 18 6 12 1.1.2 Number of Commission meetings held per annum 9 3 1 2
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 1.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.1.3 Number of quarterly reports per annum reviewed by the CEO Quarterly 4 1 1.1.4 Number of Annual Reports published and tabled in parliament each year Annual
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 1.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.2.1 Number of risk based annual internal audit plans approved Annually 1 1.2.2 Number of quarterly internal audit progress reports per annum prepared by the Chief Audit Executive and reviewed by the Audit Committee each year Quarterly 4
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 1.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.2.3 Quarterly review and update the Electoral Commission’s strategic risk register by the Executive Risk Management Committee Quarterly 4 1
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 1.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.3.1 Number of permanent staff positions filled per annum Annually 980 filled posts 980 filled posts 1.3.2 Number of bursaries awarded and paid per annum 80 1.3.3 Number of internal and external short courses afforded to permanent members of staff per annum Quarterly 160 70 10
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 1.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.3.4 Extent of compliance with performance management system as evidenced by the existence of performance agreements and performance assessment for the year under review Annually 100% of qualifying staff (980 staff) 100% of qualifyi ng staff
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 1.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.4.1 Achieve an unqualified audit report on the annual financial statements each year Annually Unqualified Unquali fied 1.4.2 12 Monthly management accounts per annum prepared and submitted to the Accounting Officer Quarterly 12 Monthly management accounts 3
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 1.5 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.5.1 Annual % network and application systems availability (system generated report available) Quarterly 97% 97% of 8,760 hours achieve ment 1.5.2 Upgrade IT hardware and platform on a five year cycle as per the approved ICT strategy and plan (Phase 1) by 31 March 2017 and (Phase 2) by 31 March Annually (5 Year cycle) New indicator n/a in 2015/16
Strategic Goal 2: Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda, including the strengthening of a cooperative relationship with political parties. Strategic objectives 2.1 Manage free and fair elections in accordance with the applicable electoral timetables to ensure the efficient and credible execution of the mandate of the Electoral Commission; 2.2 Maintain an accurate national common voter’s roll to ensure the credibility of elections; 2.3 Ensure efficient election delivery by the timely establishment of accessible and suitable voting facilities and by applying infrastructure and logistical resources to meet operational demands for main electoral events;
Strategic Goal 2: Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda, including the strengthening of a cooperative relationship with political parties. Strategic objectives 2.4 Provide consultative and cooperative liaison platforms between the Electoral Commission and political parties to facilitate free and fair elections 2.5 Strive for excellence at voting station level to enhance the integrity of elections and to enable the Electoral Commission to deliver on its mandate
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target 2015/16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.1.1 Average number of calendar days in which elections are conducted from date of vacancy Quarterly Within 90 days 2.1.2 Average number of calendar days in which to replace PR seat vacancies Within 35 days 2.1.3 Number of calendar days in which election results are announced by the Electoral Commission By-elections Within 7 days 2.1.4 Number of elections set aside in each year covered by this plan None
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.2.1 Number of registered voters as at 31 March each year Annually 25,600,000 2.2.2 Frequency per annum that voters roll is validated against national population register (NPR) (monthly) Quarterly 12 3
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.2.3 Procure planned number (38,000) programmable bar code scanner units or equivalent for voter registration on a seven to ten year cycle (Phase 1) by 31 March ; (Phase 2) by 31 March 2018 Annually (7 to 10 Year cycle) New indicator (n/a in ) N/a
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.3.1 Number of contracted voting stations on main registration weekends or election days in the years where applicable Annually 22,600 2.3.2 Number of permanent warehouses, local office facilities and full time distribution services available to support electoral events Quarterly 10 / 234 / 1 10 / / 1 28
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – /16 targets for strategic objective 2.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.3.3 All voting stations supplied with electoral materials in accordance with the approved materials requirement plan (MRP) and bill of material (BOM) and in accordance with prescribed election timelines Annually 100% of 22,600 voting stations achievement N/a N/a 100% of 22,600 voting stations achieve ment
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.4.1 Number of liaison sessions with members of party liaison committees (PLCs) at national (x1), provincial (x9) and municipal (x234) levels per annum Quarterly 2,600 520 780 2.4.2 Funding of political parties - number of disbursements to parties per annum 4 1 30
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 2.5 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.5.1 Number of electoral staff recruited and trained per annum. Bi-annually 50,092 2 staff per VS plus 25% n/a 2 staff per VS plus 25%
Strategic Goal 3: Strengthening electoral democracy
Strategic objectives 3.1 Encourage the electorate’s engagement with, and participation in, electoral processes in order to facilitate the right to vote as enshrined in the Constitution; 3.2 Achieve a low rate of spoilt ballots as a measure of the effectiveness of civic and democracy programmes; 3.3 Enhance the Electoral Commission’s reputation as a credible and trustworthy Electoral Management Body; 3.4 Provide thought leadership in the field of electoral management and related fields.
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1.1 Voter turnout in the National and Provincial elections of ; and in the Local Government elections of 2016, as a percentage of registered voters Annually n/a in 2015/16 n/a 3.1.2 Number of civic and democracy education events per annum. Quarterly 60,000 10,000 20,000
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1.3 Audience reach for televised democracy education content as evidenced by the relevant viewership and listenership figures in each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan Annually 5 million viewers and listeners 5 million viewers and listeners
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016
Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.1 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1.4 Public perceptions of the Electoral Commission as evidenced by the media reports for each year covered by the Annual Performance Plan Quarterly 75% neutral\/positi ve achievement 75% neutral \/positi ve achiev ement 75% neutral\/p ositive achievem ent
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.2 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.2.1 Rate of spoilt ballots in the National and Provincial elections of 2014; and in the Local Government elections of 2016 Annually n/a in 2015/16 n/a
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.3.1 Number of formal strategic partnerships per annum Annually 30 3.3.2 Number of meetings with high level stakeholders per annum Quarterly 40 10 37
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.3 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.3.3 Number of interactions / liaisons internationally per annum Quarterly 30 10 5 38
Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually)
Performance indicators and targets Quarterly targets for 2016 Performance indicators – 2015/16 targets for strategic objective 3.4 Reporting period (Quarterly / Biannually / Annually) Annual target /16 Quarterly targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.4.1 The number of research and thought leadership initiatives per annum Annually 4 n/a 39
Summary of budget in respect of strategic goals
2015/16 R000’s 2016/17 2017/18 1. Strengthening governance, institutional excellence, professionalism and enabling business processes, at all levels of the organisation 531,625 535,490 560,715 Achieving pre-eminence in the area of managing elections and referenda, including the strengthening of a cooperative relationship with political parties 763,000 907,674 458,321 Strengthening electoral democracy 287,704 198,899 130,851 GRAND TOTAL 1,582,329 1,642,063 1,149,887
End of Presentation Discussions & Questions
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