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S-529 Case Study Research Methods

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1 S-529 Case Study Research Methods
Class Session 9 04/01/2016 Irene A. Liefshitz, Ed.D

2 AGENDA Welcome Class Community Methods & Case Study Discussion Break
S-529 Case Study Research Methods Class Session 9 AGENDA Welcome Class Community Methods & Case Study Discussion Break Ethics & Politics Closure .

3 Class Community S-529 Case Study Research Methods 04/01/2016

4 S-529 Case Study Research Methods Class Session 9: Class Community
FEEDBACK FROM LAST CLASS QUESTIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS NEXT CLASS: 04/08/2016 (Analytic Techniques) Methodological readings, “3-2-1” Reading Responses Alexander Means case study Means group will post guiding questions for the 1st part of our case study discussion by Monday 4/4

5 Generalization & Theory Building: Miller, Cortez, Levinson
S-529 Case Study Research Methods 04/01/2016

6 Methodological readings
S-529 Case Study Research Methods Class Session 9: Methods & Case Study Discussion Case studies Methodological readings Miller’ study of an after-school youth entrepreneurship program (2011) Cortez’ study of a parent group’s activism to protest Chicago Public Schools funding decisions (2013) Levinson’s study of Boston Public Schools school assignment policy (2015) On generalization: Gomm, Hammersley & Foster (2009) chapter 5 On theory: George & Bennett (2005) chapter 6 Eisenhardt & Graebner (2007) Gomm, Hammersley & Foster (2009) chapter 12

7 Empirical Generalization
S-529 Case Study Research Methods Class Session 9: Methods & Case Study Discussion Empirical Generalization How does Miller (2011) succeed in, or approach, making empirical generalizations as defined by Gomm, Hammersley & Foster (chapter 5)? Can’t just dismiss generalization in CSR Heterogeneity of dimensions Knowing the population (facts and theory) Case selection Internal generalization: temporal Internal generalization: context Providing sufficient information about boundaries of the case Pair/triad preparation: 15 min

8 Critiques & Recommendations Dissertation Committee
S-529 Case Study Research Methods Class Session 9: Methods & Case Study Discussion Critiques & Recommendations Small group discussion: 10 min Whole group share Dissertation Committee Journal Reviewers Recommendations for Miller to strengthen the empirical generalizations of his case study design Recommendations for Miller to strengthen the empirical generalizations of his reporting

9 S-529 Case Study Research Methods
Class Session 9: Methods & Case Study Discussion Theory & CSR What is the (potential) theoretical contribution of each case? Does theory-building or theory-testing have to be part of a case study design? Besides theory, what other academic and social contributions can a study make? Each of the case studies is a single-case design, but all three methodological readings (George & Bennett, 2005; Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007; and Gomm, Hammersley & Foster, 2009) advise a “building block” approach to build theory with several cases. Pick one case (Miller, Cortez, or Levinson) and apply 1-2 key ideas from these three methodological readings to propose a follow up case study that would build on its theoretical contribution.

10 S-529 Case Study Research Methods
Class Session 9: Methods & Case Study Discussion Closure one insight from today’s class for your case study design

11 Ethics & Politics S-529 Case Study Research Methods 04/01/2016

12 Closure S-529 Case Study Research Methods 04/01/2016

13 FEEDBACK!!!!!!! S-529 Case Study Research Methods
Class Session 9: Closure NEXT CLASS: FEEDBACK!!!!!!!

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