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English IV September 29, 2014.

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1 English IV September 29, 2014

2 Bell-Ringer Identify and correct the mistakes.
The story of Johnny Applesede has become some thing of a legend. But did you know that there is a real men behind the Johnny Appleseed myth. John Chapman, who was born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1774 planted apple orchards as he traveled west with the setlers. He own 1,200 acres of orchards from Pennsylvania to Illinois. Some people say Johnny wear no shoes a coffee sack for a shirt and a tin pan as a hat.

3 Learning Target I can analyze an author’s choice regarding development of story elements. I can cite strong and thorough text evidence for analysis (explicit and inferred).

4 Agenda Get a textbook, and turn to page 35.
Get out your “Reading for Meaning” handout you started on Thursday. If you were absent on Thursday, check the absentee box. Continue reading Beowulf (using the CD). Answer the questions on the handout as we read. On the back of the “Reading for Meaning” handout, answer this prompt: What is the main theme of the story? Cite textual evidence to support that theme. Exit Slip: Would Beowulf make a good modern-day hero? Why?

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