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BOMs – Base Object Models
Björn Löfstrand Manager M&S Services, Pitch Technologies Arkitekturdag 3, FMV, Stockholm, December 2006
BOM Definition Piece-part approach to Modeling
A piece part of a conceptual model, simulation object model, or federation object model, which can be used as a building block in the development and/or extension of a simulation or federation SISO-STD Piece-part approach to Modeling Conceptual Models With focus on Simulation Information Exchange Data Models With focus on Federated Systems based on HLA Provides linkage from conceptual elements to constructs for information exchange in a federated system
Basic Concept Simulation Conceptual Model
(Representation of relevant “stuff” in the “real world” at a level of description necessary to achieve the goals of the system) How to find the right levels of description is an art not covered by BOMs. Some aspects of a conceptual model can be captured in a BOM and used as a building-block for conceptual modeling BOMs can provide a link between conceptual elemetns such as entities, actions and events to information exchange constructs (e.g. HLA FOM). Federation of Distributed Systems/Simulation (Federates with the collective responsibility of modeling the elements defined in the conceptual model) Model responsibility is allocated to federates and they collaborate through the use of a common Networked Information Infrastructure (e.g. HLA RTI) BOMs can be used to document Information Exchange Data Models (e.g. HLA FOM)
Background Simulation Conceptual Model HLA Object Model Template
Specification of types of entities, attributes, relations, behavior and actions relevant to be represented in the simulation Independent of how the responsibility of modeling these concepts is allocated to different components (federates) in a federated system (federation) HLA Object Model Template A template specification for documenting HLA Federation and Simulation Object Models (FOMs and SOMs) representing the information exchange data model (IEDM) Represents the type of information needed to be exchange during simulation in order to correctly represent the simulation conceptual model Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP) Guidance for developing HLA Federations Recognizes Reference Models and Base Object Models as important approaches to developing FOMs and SOMs
Federation Development and Execution Process
Behavior Actions Conceptual Entities Patterns of Interplay Simulation Conceptual Model Allocation of Model Responsibilities Federation Object Model (FOM) 6 5 4 3 1 Perform Conceptual Analysis 2 Analyze Data and Evaluate Results 7 Define Federation Objectives Design Federation Develop Federation Plan, Integrate, and Test Federation Execute Federation and Prepare Outputs FEDEP Oppourtunities for reuse. Bridging the gap between conceptual model, through federation design to development of an HLA federation to support the conceptual model. Maps patterns of interplay in a conceptual model to a “standard” or “reference” how to model simulation interplay using HLA constructs. FEDEP IEEE Recommended Practice
BOM History BOM PDG / DG SRML 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 Reference FOM Study Group HLA Evolved BOM Study Group FEDEP PDG SCM SISO-STD BOM RPR FOM BOM Methodology Strawman BOM PN BOM PDG / DG FOM “piece parts” (FEDEP, OMT) SRML HLA IEEE 1516
BOM Rationale Interoperability Reuse Composability
Common understanding on how information is exchanged and interpreted is key in achieving interoperability BOMs provide a way of documenting not only HLA mechanisms or constructs for information exchange, but also the pattern of interplay that is supported by the exchange. Reuse The BOM concept is based on the assumption that piece-parts of simulations and federations can be extracted and reused as modeling building-blocks or components. The interplay interface between conceptual entities within a simulation can be captured and characterized in the form of reusable patterns. Composability The implementation of a pattern of interplay using HLA object model constructs is captured in the BOM and can be used to compose Federation Object Model (FOM) The patterns of interplay can be used to compose Conceptual Models Why do we need BOMs ?
BOM and Conceptual Models
BOMs can capture some aspects of the Simulation Conceptual Model The BOM template is not a Conceptual Model Representation Standard References to other Conceptual Model using other types of Representations is allowed Primarily used to capture key patterns of interplay between entities in the conceptual model Provides patterns of interplay as building-blocks when constructing new Simulation Conceptual Models Conceptual Model Pattern Of Interplay State Machine Entity Type Event Type State Machines Pattern of Interplay pattern actions Weapons Effect states
BOMs and HLA Object Models
Object Model Definition HLA Object Classes HLA Object Class Attributes HLA Interaction Classes HLA Interaction Class Parameters HLA Data Types BOMs can capture how information is shared among federates using interactions and attribute updates of simulated entities The BOM template is not a Federation Agreement Representation Standard The BOM standard is strongly influenced by HLA but not a required target architecture Based on IEEE (HLA Evolved) OMT format Primarily used to capture reusable pieces of OMT information to be used as building-blocks when constructing new FOMs and SOMs. Opportunity for standardizing common BOMs and for making existing Reference FOMs (e.g. RPR-FOM) BOM based. Weapons Effect HLA Interactions and Attribute Updates Federate Federate Federation Information Exchange Data Model (IEDM) Federation Object Model (FOM)
BOM Model Mapping Essential metadata needed so that the BOM can be described, discovered and properly reused BOMs provides a mechanism to map aspects of the Simulation Conceptual Model to Information Exchange constructs Allows a simple way of identifying FOM elements when allocating the responsibility of modeling aspects of the Simulation Conceptual Model to different federates Pattern Actions (Messages and Triggers) are mapped to HLA Interactions and/or Attribute Updates) Model Identification (Metadata) Conceptual Model Pattern Of Interplay State Machine Entity Type Event Type Model Mapping Entity Type Mapping Event Type Mapping Object Model Definition HLA Object Classes HLA Object Class Attributes HLA Interaction Classes HLA Interaction Class Parameters HLA Data Types Notes Notes and definitions supporting any of the above mentioned elements Lexicon (definitions)
Example Simulation Conceptual Model
Real-world entities, processes and other phenomenon to be represented in a simulation Identified Patterns of Interplay Restaurant visit - Arrival - Ordering - Payment
Payment Pattern (Conceptual Model)
Waiter Entity Type Customer Entity Type Payment Actions Ready Ready Customer Request Check Prepare Bill Wait for Bill Waiter States Check Brought To Table Customer States Ready Pay Customer Pays Wait for change Process Bill ReceiptChangeReturned Leave restaurant Ready
Federation Design (FEDEP step 3)
Allocation of Model Responsibilities Waiter Customer RTI The Payment Interplay between the Waiter and Customer needs to be modeled in the distributed simulation. Payment Event Types and supporting Entity Type characteristics needs to be reflected between federates. Use the Payment BOM to find out how to exchange this information using HLA.
EntityTypes and EventsTypes
Basic Concept Conceptual Model BOMs Federation Patterns of Interplay, EntityTypes and EventsTypes Mapping of CM to HLA OM FOM BOM supports the development of HLA federations by linking patterns of interplay in the conceptual model to HLA constructs for information exchange between federates
BOM XML Format
Current BOM activities ?
BOM Product Support Group (PSG) offer continuity and a place for developers and users of the standards to ask questions, request explanations, seek support, or register change requests for subsequent versions of the product.
BOM Drafting Group (DG)
Questions BOM Drafting Group (DG)
Payment Pattern Description Table
Category Information Notes Name RestaurantPayment 1 Seq Sender Receiver Event BOM Condition Action CustomerRequestCheck Customer Waiter CheckRequest NA 2 CheckBroughtToTable PaymentDueNotification 3 CustomerPays Variation BillPayed_Cash CashPaymentBOM BillPayed_Credit CreditCardPaymentBOM Exception BillNotPayed NonPayingCustomer NoPaymentBOM Custmer leaves without paying bill 4 ReceiptChangeReturned ChangeReturn
Payment Entity & Event Types
Entity Type Table Name Characteristics Customer Assigned Table Waiter Assigned Tables Event Type Table Name Source Characteristic Target Characteristic Content Characteristic Trigger Condition Notes NonPayingCustomer Customer_Identifer NA Customer_NotPaid = TRUE 3 CheckRequest Waiter_Identifier 4 PaymentDueNotification Customer_Identifier Amount ChangeReturn
Waiter Payment States State Machine Table Category Information Notes
Name WaiterPaymentStates Conceptual Entity Types Waiter State 5 Ready ExitCondition ExitAction RestaurantPaymentBOM.CustomerRequestCheck NextState PrepareBill RestaurantPaymentBOM.CustomerPays ProcessBill RestaurantPaymentBOM.CheckBroughtToTable RestaurantPaymentBOM.ReceiptChangeReturned
Entity Type Mapping Table Event Type Mapping Table
Model Mapping CM to HLA Entity Type Mapping Table Entity Type HLA Object/Interaction Class Characteristics HLA Attributes/Parameters Condition Customer HLAobjectRoot.PhysicalEntity.Human.Customer Name Customer.Id NA Assigned Table Customer.tableID Waiter HLAobjectRoot.PhysicalEntity.Human.Waiter Waiter.Id Assigned Tables IDArray IDArray provides list of tables for which waiter is responsible Event Type Mapping Table
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