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European Case Law Identifier

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1 European Case Law Identifier
OASIS / LegalCiteM 22 July 2015 Marc van Opijnen Publications Office of the Netherlands

2 Topics The ECLI ecosystem: Implementation: state of play
Identifier Metadata National co-ordinator European ECLI portal Implementation: state of play Future work / BO-ECLI. 2 2


4 ECLI Ecosystem 1: Identifier
Identifies the judgment, not the case Identifies the judgment at an abstract level, not a specific document Vendor and medium neutral As citation readable by humans and computers Not (necessarily) replacing national identifiers Fixed format of (always) five elements: ECLI: country: court: year: number ECLI: NL: HR: 2012: 938 ECLI: SI: VSTS: 2015: VIII.IPS 4

5 ECLI Ecosystem 2: Metadata
Based on international standard 'Dublin Core' Mandatory / optional Most allow different language versions, e.g. an English summary on a Spanish judgment Technical scheme available.

6 ECLI Ecosystem 3: National Co-ordinator
Court codes Fifth part of ECLI Maintain information on e-Justice portal National implementation, technical and organizational Introduction in stages With or without historical records Connecting to the EU ECLI portal. 6

7 ECLI Ecosystem 4: EU portal
Part of the European e-Justice portal European Commission harvests national repositories, which are standardized into a common scheme Using standards like Sitemaps and Robots.txt.





12 Implementation: State of Play

13 Implementation ECLI Legend (Partly) implemented and public
Work in progress No implementation started Non-EU Court of Justice of the European Union Board of Appeal European Patent Office European Court of Human Rights 13



16 Future Work Going live of the portal (2015-H2)
More implementations of ECLI More countries / organizations More courts within participating entities Historical records More secundary data providers BO-ECLI.

17 BO-ECLI Building on the European Case Law Identifier
EU-commission funded in programme JUST/2014/JACC/AG/E-JU Action grants to support National or transnational e-Justice projects Start 1 October 2015 Duration 1,5 – 2 y Budget ca. € 1,2 mil.

18 BO-ECLI objectives (Further) implementation of ECLI & integration with ESE-EEJP in: Belgium Italy Germany Estonia Czech Republic Greece Croatia Netherlands.

19 BO-ECLI objectives Improving accessibility to case law by creating linked open data A 2.0 version of the ECLI standard, which is aligned with other semantic web standards as well as backwards compatible with the 1.0 version To have EU wide policy guidelines on the publication of case law, specifically addressing the issues of selection criteria, data protection and open data.

20 BO-ECLI objectives To have ECLI widely used for citing case law in all legal and academic writings and for interoperability in (legal) IT applications.

21 Partners BO-ECLI 21

22 Thank you

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