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Keith Osborne Insert photo TLP/CLP/MyPortal.

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Presentation on theme: "Keith Osborne Insert photo TLP/CLP/MyPortal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keith Osborne Insert photo TLP/CLP/MyPortal

2 Change

3 Who loves change? Hands up if you do.
7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

4 Change is many things 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

5 Change is many things 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

6 Why do we need to change? Market demands Customer expectations
Legislation change Improved efficiencies 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

7 What if we don’t change? Loss of market share to competitors
Loss of income Loss of reach re: Drowning Prevention Blockbuster…….. 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

8 Good changes? 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

9 So where are we? Some statistics…… 6,000 courses 150,000 awards
84% of the market 68% of the Leisure Centres in the country We are as big as Vodafone in our market place. We now need to make some change and act like the market leader. 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

10 What is MyPortal? MyPortal is a revolutionary online processing system
7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

11 MyPortal/CLP/TLP….. many other names
What is this? Paperless processing system ‘1 keying’ E-Certification (for some awards) 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

12 Why is MyPortal needed? Let’s take you on the current journey of an assessment report form….. 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

13 Ordering Packs from RLSS Direct
7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

14 Dispatched to you 7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

15 Course Administration
7Think of a sexy new name by the end of the day

16 Posted to Red Hill House

17 Processing

18 Statistics 7% Return Rates 6,300 forms incomplete
Penalises the candidates

19 Back to RLSS Direct

20 Print Certificate!

21 Where's my certificate?

22 Posted to candidate

23 Certificate arrives with candidate

24 MyPortal MyPortal will remove most of these steps!
- Less Carbon Footprint - Simpler - Faster - Better

25 CUSTOMER FEEDBACK You asked for quicker certificate turnaround 
You asked for less paperwork You asked for easier routes for ensuring Assessors are fully qualified prior to conducting assessments

26 MyPortal - What’s in it for you?
Time back in you and your teams diary Rapid certificate processing E-Certification Full control over course creation Eliminates all assessment report form errors Live tracking of course administration Dashboard for activity

27 When? NPLQ - June, July, Aug, Sept First Aid - Oct, Nov
All RLSS Products by the end of Q1

28 So, in conclusion Love and embrace change
There is NO such thing as a problem, we just haven’t found a solution to it yet Let’s build on our amazing 125 years worth of history Never, ever become Blockbusters Raise the bar as high as we can Don’t forget to sing!

29 Thank you

30 Keith Osborne Insert photo TLP/CLP/MyPortal

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