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Consumer Behaviour Introduction to Module.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Behaviour Introduction to Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Behaviour Introduction to Module

2 Peter Rumble Spring 2017

3 Working on Module: Presentations Tutorials/Workshops Supplementary reading Review sessions

4 Learning Outcomes Identifying the Customer Investigating the Customer
Understanding Customer Behaviour Predicting and Influencing Customer Behaviour

5 Who are you? Who am I? Who are we? Let’s research!! Influences on our
Customer Behaviour?

6 What is Marketing? Give some definitions in your own words

7 Marketing is Finding and keeping Customers Selling goods/products/service that don’t come back to people who do People = customers Marketing is concerned with identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs at a PROFIT

8 Key Concepts Consumer NEED WANTS Customer Goods Products Services

9 The Consumer View of the Marketing Mix
The Four C’s vs the 4 P’s Customer Benefit Cost Convenience Communication

10 The O’s of the Marketplace
OCCUPANTS :Who buys it? OBJECTS of purchase: What do they need/buy? OCCASIONS of purchase:  When do they buy it? OUTLETS of purchase:  Where do they buy it? OBJECTIVES of purchase: Why do they buy it? OPERATIONS of purchase: How do they buy it? ORGANISATION: Who is involved in the purchase?

11 Consumer Behaviour Grand Modelling

12 Major Influences on Customer Behaviours

13 Basic Framework Motivation Perception Search Evaluation Choice

14 Why Toyota Chairman asked Why why why Known as Route Cause Analysis.
Example. Early deaths, poor health, ?, ?,

15 Workshop 1 In your group; Select a product/service you all buy
2. Describe why / how you go about buying it 3. Use the basic framework to organise your answer

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