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Status of the BI Work Package in the LIU-PSB frame

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1 Status of the BI Work Package in the LIU-PSB frame
Jocelyn TAN, BE-BI Thanks to the contributions of the WU holders: J. Belleman, L. Soby, P. Odier, F. Roncarolo, S. Burger, C. Zamantzas, B. Dehning, B. Holzer, W. Andreazza LIU-PSB meeting, 29th Spetember 2016

2 Outline Readiness for HST and YETS Budget Summary

3 HST Permanent installation Temporary installation FESA classes
One BTV in L4T (AD type): Ready and interlock tested Charge measurements on the stripping foil : Ready Prototype board is installed. 2nd prototype design finished. Expert GUI in preparation Temporary installation Two FBCTs - Ready One BTV system for foil inspection – Ready Two BLMs: Diamond + Ionization Chamber - Ready H0/H- measurement from dump: Ready Mechanics: Ti plates assembled and fixed on dump – System will be validated once installed in the vacuum tank Prototype board is installed (same as stripping foil) FESA classes Ready

4 EYETS 16-17 Readiness for Linac4 connection
Monitors BI.SMV position measurement plates - Ready BI.BTV30: Modification due to new septum ECR , page 6: it will be done “in the framework of the installation of an upgraded PS Booster injection system”. BTVs: Beam Profile and Foil Inspection - Ready H0/H- beam current monitor - Ready Mechanics parts: validation after HST, with minor design review of mechanics Electronic board: same as HST. Aim at series production (10 boards) during EYETS BLMs Ionization Chambers: Ready Diamond detectors: Expected delivery: Oct Aqn chain: Ready BR.BCTI in 8L1: injection efficiency with Linac4 Electronic board at pcb design stage. Commissioning in laboratory test bench in October Work Dose Planning for reshuffling the monitors in radioactive workshop: DIMR 1 (meeting with RP done)

5 EYETS 16-17 Readiness for PSB upgrade [1]
Monitors BTMS: Ring trajectory: No show stopper Low intensity resolution measured to 0.6mm with 8E9 charges. Main remaining issue concerns “shaved beams”, which requires gain change during the cycle, which upsets the PLL. Solutions identified but still to be tested Front end hybrid and LNA: in production Wire scanner: prototype in 4L1 - Ready Functional specifications: draft. Electronics module prototype ready Mechanics: First assembly completed (3 weeks delay wrt plan) Todo list: motor test, vacuum acceptance, laser-based calibration, assembly of 2 additional systems for more tests ECR: Approved Flat ICs in L3 sections - Ready ECR: draft PSB and PS are upgraded at the same time. 60 kCHF extra FSU cost to be paid by LIU Functional specifications: reached common agreement between PSB and PS. To be released

6 EYETS 16-17 Readiness for PSB upgrade [2]
Monitors Tune pick-ups- Tight schedule for installation during EYETS ECR: draft Drawings: now in the controls/approval process Production: planning to be discussed with EN-MME Wide band BPM in BTP line - Ready Mechanics: Produced and being assembled. ECR : Approved BR.BCTDC: New electronics not yet validated : low frequency crosstalk from other rings (1%). A lot of work took place in 9L1: something has changed in the machine (RF bypass tested: OK) Investigations ongoing (Shielding, filtering). Short machine access requested (15-30min). Further installations on hold until problem understood. New housing for BT.BTV30 - Ready

7 Spending Profile and 2016 budget
New spending profile based on the last re-baselining excercice: LIU-PSB Baseline 7 Budget percentage figures = “Commitments incl. pipeline” TIDs for cabling jobs = 627 kCHF, included for this year but not committed yet. BWS final cost: to be finalized FSU for BLM installation: extra budget request

8 Summary Readiness for HST
Mechanics and monitors Ready for beam commissioning Readiness for Linac4 connection and PSB upgrade All mechanics and monitors are ready for installation during EYETS but…. the tune PUs: very unlikely !! the DCCT electronics: installation on hold until problem understood Budget LIU-PSB Baseline 7: Minor adjustments yet to come (FWS, FSU) Four WUs left after EYETS 16-17 YETS 17-18: SEM grids for injection matching  design to start now LS2: 1)BT.BTV10 2)BWS 3)BLMs in PSB extraction lines  no showstopper


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