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2 ACTIVITY: The Importance of Environment
Think of something at your fieldsite that represents: Something that sparks a childhood memory Something you don’t understand Something that might insult your intelligence Something you’d like to take home with you Something you’d like to take to a desert island Something that has many uses

3 Effects of Room Arrangement
Influences how children act and learn Prompts children to use materials Easily accessible, inviting Children will be happy if the room is a welcoming place Comfortable, pleasing to the eye, safe Children will act orderly if the room is orderly Can be the cause of disruptive behavior

4 What is wrong with this picture?

5 This is a Good Place to Be
Furniture is clean, safe, and well maintained. Wall decorations are largely made up of children’s art displayed attractively at their eye level. Colorful decorations, plants, pillows are used

6 You Belong Here Personal cubby for each child Furniture is child sized Pictures, books, & learning materials with different ethnic & economic backgrounds & people with disabilities

7 This Is a Place You Can Trust
There is a well defined schedule Materials & toys are available Materials labeled and easy to find

8 You Can Do Many Things On Your Own
Materials are stored on low shelves so children can use materials on their own Materials are logically organized Shelves are labeled with pictures to show where things belong

9 You Can Get Away and Be By Yourself When You Need To
Small, quiet areas for one or two children Large pillow or stuffed chair Headphones for individual listening

10 This Is a Safe Place to Explore and Try Out Your Ideas
Protected and defined small areas for small group activities Smocks for art and water play to avoid fear of getting soiled Outdoor area is fenced in Toys are rotated so there frequently is something new to interest children

11 GUIDELINE Materials must be “Child Size”
Picture & Bulletin Boards should be at child’s eye level Organized & uncluttered Keep learning centers separate from each other Everything must have a place Create a sense of arrival and welcome

12 TRAFFIC FLOW Do not have large spaces for running
Fill outer edges, center is the pathway A square center is dead space Irregular or rectangle easier to use Children in one center cannot reach children in another unit No need to walk through units to get to another

13 APPEARANCE Clean, neat and cheerful Neatness enhances learning
Color can provide a cheerful atmosphere

Comfortable, soothing, secure, tender Clean, pure, frank, cool, youthful Peaceful, refreshing, restful Happy, cheerful Welcoming, forceful, energetic Welcoming, energetic, forceful, stimulating Mournful Question: What colors do you think would be best for preschool or elementary school?

15 SAFETY Teachers must be able to see and supervise all areas of the room All materials must be safe and in working order Outside doors need to be visible and locked to the outside and to the children Storage of hazardous materials must be locked

16 What is wrong with this picture?

17 What is right with this picture?
From Planning Environments for Young Children by Kritchevsky & Prescott

18 Planning Outdoor Environments
Enough empty space Broad, easily visible paths Children in one unit cannot reach children in another unit No need to walk through play units to get to another No dead space No blind space

19 Outdoor Play Area Problems
Lack of shade Northern exposures Poor drainage Broken equipment Too few things and play space

20 Need for Complexity Provide opportunity to lengthen attention span and expand on play Make settings for children to meet each other and socialize More opportunities for choice

21 Good or Bad? Lots of grass and trees Bright colors
Narrow winding paths Slides, jungle gyms Swings No complexity More appealing to adults, not necessarily a focus of activity No flexibility, inventiveness Traditional, fun, and they last Seclusion form others, but can watch

22 Vandalism Safety Decreases if visible to neighbors
Decreases if facility is used for neighborhood meetings Decreases if PR is good with the public Safety Sandbox: protect from cats Playground equipment and what is underneath Fencing/plan for equipment that goes over the fence Access from off campus

23 Activities in a classroom :
Cubbies for children and sign in desk Kitchen with tables for art or snack Dramatic play area Quiet corner with books Circle time area with rug Science center Small Manipulative area with table Block, truck area Sensory table

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