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SCC Funding Resources Campus Based Accounts

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1 SCC Funding Resources Campus Based Accounts
Fiscal Year March 2006 Information based on LRCCD Proposed Budget for Adoption

2 Overview Review of Funding Resources District vs. Campus Based
NOT all fund types today!! Drivers: President’s Guidance: ‘Put all the money on the table’ Revised planning and budgeting process for the college: link both to College Strategic Plan Plan to drive the budget…not vice versa Peoplesoft and Accounting Changes at DO

3 Fund Types Fund 11: Unrestricted General Fund
Fund 12: Restricted General Fund Fund 13: Campus Based Educational Enrichment Program (EEP) NOW referred to as Instructionally Related (IR) Special Activities Programs Instructionally Related Division Programs Fund 14: Other instructionally related programs (trusts) ALL FUNDS subject to general accounting rules and subject to audit!

4 Fund 11 Unrestricted General Fund
Description: College Discretionary Fund, Block Grant Unrestricted portion of the district’s general fund Primary funding source; supports all programs and administrative support Formula driven, in part Substantial portion of this fund managed through the budget committee Due to timing of allocations, current year funding used to plan next FY game plan Mid year updates through the budget committee



7 Fund 12 Restricted General Fund
Description: Restricted general fund, categorical programs, special projects, grants Restricted portion of the district’s general fund Specifically restricted by law, regulation, donors, outside agencies, etc. Appropriations determined by external agencies Timelines and restrictions defined Matching sometimes required


9 Fund 13 Educational Enrichment Programs (aka Instructionally Related)
Campus Based Fund, three broad categories EEP/IR: Considered an expendable trust Supports instructionally related, student centered and focused activities Derived from Book Store profits ($200K allocated) Special Activities: promote understanding of the college, increase community awareness Capped by BOT formula: .08% of College General Fund (~$55,800/annually) Funded with vending revenue Instructionally related Division Programs Athletic and Theater gate receipts, Express Newspaper Advertisement, Concessions ~ $95K annually





14 Fund 14 Other Instructionally Related (Trust)
Expendable Trust category Activities which generate their own revenue and fund expenditures without any subsidy from the college Source: fundraisers, cost covering events, non-institutional vending Fund: varies, ~$450K


16 Summary Brief overview of Fund types most often in discussion
Handouts cover basic definitions and authorized uses of these fund types Limitations and audit requirements do exist Budget Office and VPA are tasked to monitor Coming next: Other fund types!!

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