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ALFA ALFA Submit To: Sir Mukhtiar Ahmed Submit by: Rana Mohsin

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1 ALFA ALFA Submit To: Sir Mukhtiar Ahmed Submit by: Rana Mohsin
Saman Zaheer Mehjabeen Mishal Mumraiz Hassan Aziz

2 BOTANY OF ALFALFA Botanical Name : Medicago sativa Family: Labiatae
Habitat: Widely cultivated as fodder. It can be found next to roads, sown in field, at the edge of highways and in dry lands of cool climate.

Prennial plant growth. Length upto 80 cm. It has turgid stems. Leaves are broad. Flowers of blue or purple colour. Components are:ascorbic acid,citric acid,fumeric acid. Vitamins:vitamin A,B, C,D,E,K are slso present. Protein:leaves and seeds.

Family: Leguminosae It shows the phenomenon of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Its roots develop symbiotic nodules with the rhizobium bacteria, capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

5 The plant provides carbohydrates for the bacteria inreturn for nitrogen fixed inside the nodules
Nodules of legume: Finger like shape 10-50 per large alfalfa plant When nodules are young no nitrogen fixation occurs , they are usually white or grey inside.

6 As nodules grow in size they gradually turns pink or radish in color, indicating that nitrogen fixation has start. It is valuable in adding nitrogen to soil and in reducing the salinity level in irrigated lands.

7 Alfalfa crop modeling Stem Early vegetative:
Stem length < 15 cm; no buds, flowers or seed pods Mid–vegetative: Stem length 16 – 30 cm; no buds, flowers or seed pods Late vegetative stage: Stem length > 31 cm; no buds, flowers or seed pods

8 Buds Early bud: 1 to 2 nodes with buds; no flowers or seed pods
Late bud: 3 or more nodes with buds; no flowers or seed pod

9 Flowers Early flower: One node with one open flower (standard open); no seed pods Late flower: Two or more nodes with open flowers; no seed pods short and one-sided cluster flowers. Each cluster contains from ten to twenty purple flowers ordinary leguminous shaped flowers.

10 Seed pod Early seed pod: 1 to 3 nodes with green seed pods
Late seed pod: 4 or more nodes with green seed pods Ripe seed pod: Nodes with mostly brown mature seed pods

11 Leaves alternate and scattered leaves along the stem.
consist of three leaflets like those of clover. The leaflets are rather narrow, two to three times as long as broad, and sharply toothed in their upper part. The middle leaf has a short stalk. he leaves of the plant are made up of three individual leaflets (trifoliate) narrow and oval or oblong shaped leaves smooth upper surface and slightly hairy lower surface of leaves. 

12 Roots Extensive root system. depth 5 to 6 feet the first season.
10 to 12 feet by the end of the second year . extend to depths of 20 feet or more. It allow plant to absorb more vitamins and minerals from soil. Tap root develops rapidly. Penetrates almost vertically downward. No branches occur in the surface few inches of soil.

13 Plant height Alfalfa can grow quite tall.
Can grow to 1 meter in height.

14 References content/uploads/01aglibrary/010139fieldcroproots/ ch13.html tion/in-field-alfalfa-quality-assessment/ id/legumes/alfalfa-buds.aspx


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