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Hand grip strength test

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1 Hand grip strength test

2 Based on EHES Manual, Part B. Fieldwork Procedures, 2nd edition (2016)
Available at: These slides can be used freely, translated and adapted to national use (e.g. concerning the equipment). However, it is important to keep in mind that no changes should be made to the measurement techniques, which need to be standardized.

3 Exclusion criteria Conditions that prevent squeezing of the device:
Swelling Inflammation Sever pain or injury in hands Surgery to both hands in past 6 months Bad arthritis or rheumatic diseases Does not understand instructions due to dementia or other cognitive problem Refusal

4 Equipment Straight backed chair, preferably without armrests

5 Quality assurance: Calibration and checking
Calibrate and check the dynamometer regularly according to manufacturer’s instructions Record each checking of the equipment and the outcome in the log book If problems are observed in the dynamometer, replace it and record this in the log book

6 Preparations Demonstrate the use of the dynamometer to the participant
Encourage the participant to do his/her best during the test Ask the participant which is his/her dominant hand Used for e.g. writing The test is performed on this dominant hand

7 Preparations Adjust the grasp of the dynamometer to fit the size of the participant’s hand The second joint of the forefinger is in 90 degree flexion Check if the grasp feels as it is easy squeeze

8 Posture of the subject Ask the participant to sit in a chair with:
straight back feet flat on the floor upper arm unsupported and aligned with the trunk elbow flexed at 90° degrees forearm and wrist in neutral position 3 1 4 5 2

9 Performing the test Ask the participant to begin squeezing
Keep squeezing 3 to 5 seconds Encourage participant during the test Keep seconds rest and perform at least one more squeezing If difference between 1st and 2nd result is >10% then perform a third attempt

10 Record Record the following: Measurement time
Reason for exclusion if necessary Which hand is the dominant Which hand was used for the measurement If other than dominant hand was used then also reason for this Result of the first attempt Result of second attempt Result of third attempt if performed

11 Acknowledgements Slides prepared by: Heini Wennman, Hanna Tolonen, Päivikki Koponen Photographs: Hanna Tolonen Measurement demonstration by voluntary participants Experiences and feedback from the EHES network have been utilized in the preparation of these slides Funding: Preparation of the slides is part of the activities of the EHES Coordinating Centre which has received funding from the EC/DG SANTÉ in through SANCO/2008/C2/02-SI EHES and Grand Agreement number , and in through Grand Agreement number /BRIDGE Health

12 Disclaimer The views expressed here are those of the authors and they do not represent the Commission’s official position.

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