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Chapter 4 Measures of Center

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1 Chapter 4 Measures of Center
STAT 1301 Chapter 4 Measures of Center

2 It is often difficult to work with complete distributions.
So, we SUMMARIZE Descriptive Measures of Center Spread Today, we will concentrate on measures of “center”


4 Histogram Families by Size in 1988
Distribution of Families by size in 1988 Familty Size Family Size Source: Population Survey data tape

5 Gas Mileage for Compact Cars
% per unit mpg Miles per Gallon

6 Schematic Representations of Histogram
Symmetric Long Right Tail Long Left Tail (skewed to the right) (skewed to the left)

7 number of observations
Measures of Center Average - arithmetic mean AVG = Median - middle observation from ordered data - middle value for an odd number of observations - average of 2 middle values for even # of obs. Mode - most frequently occurring observation not necessarily unique does not always exist sum of observations number of observations


9 WARNING ! Averages are sensitive to extreme values.

10 Salary Data Employee Hourly Wage 110-15-2436 5.00 109-16-4134 5.00
Mr. Pearson

11 Examples Duke Univ. graduates of Dept. of Communications had an average starting salary of $418,000 - Grant Hill (NBA player) Data on Household Income - which should be larger - AVG or median? 2002 – US household income data - AVG $57,208 - Median $43,057

12 “Center” of Histogram Average - histogram balances
Median - divides histogram into equal parts based on area Mode - modal class is the class interval with the highest bar

13 “Center” of Histogram

14 Root Mean Square (RMS) RMS size of a list: (S) square values in list
(M) sum squared values and divide by total # of values in list (R) take square root sum of squared values RMS = # of values

15 RMS measures size of values in list ignoring signs
“sort of like average ignoring sign”

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