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Reading Meeting Friday 22nd September

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1 Reading Meeting Friday 22nd September

2 Pre- Reading Skills "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." — Walt Disney

3 Read the world around you!
Read the signs around you! Print is everywhere street names, logos, shop signs etc Provide a range of reading materials: Newspaper, Comics, Magazines, cook books, information books, car manuals, poems and rhymes. Let your children see you reading and encourage them to ask questions and converse about a range of reading materials.


5 How does it feel to learn to read?
I wonder what that says?

6 Code Breaking! Are you ready steady go!
p a i t n

7 What does it say?

8 Did you get it right? t p a t s i t i n

9 Fast pace, lots of consolidation Blending for reading
Read Write Inc Phonics Structured programme Fast pace, lots of consolidation Blending for reading Segmenting for writing Fred talk Red and Green Words

10 Simple Sound Chart

11 Read Write Inc Phonics = the sounds in our language.
Watch our sound pronunciation guide.

12 m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w
Speed Sound Groups m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w th z ch qu x ng nk v y w

13 How does phonics help us to read?
Say “hello” to Fred. Fred can only talk in sounds... He says “c_a_t.” Not cat. We call this Fred Talk.

14 Red and Green Words Red words are those words which contain spelling patterns that cannot be sounded out. Some of the most frequently used words in the English language have an uncommon spelling pattern and don't sound like they look, for example, said sounds like ‘sed’. Red words have to be learnt by sight. Green words are words that your child will be able to sound out and then sound blend together, using the speed sounds they have learnt.

15 Teaching a speed sound Teaching blending
Teaching blending

16 Reading in School All YR children take part in whole class shared reading. This is where reading skills are modelled using a big book which all the children can see. Speaking and listening skills and language comprehension are taught using big books and lot of classroom activities relate to the book. The book may be a story, poem, nursery rhyme or non fiction book. Children listen to a wide range of fiction and non fiction books on a daily basis Reading area is available for the children to choose a range of books. Listening stations with music from a variety of cultures, stories, nursery rhymes and songs. Puppets and objects for books are available to encourage children to talk and retell the stories. We will listen to children read in small groups during RWI sessions. From time to time we will check your child is on the right level through an individual read.

17 Reading Once children know set one letter sounds we start to teach them how to read. Through blending sounds together. For reading we teach children to blend the sounds together. For writing the children learn to segment the word into sounds.

18 Reading Scheme Books Books are changed Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Reading Diaries – These are a way for us to communicate with each other. Tell us how your child got on with their reading and sign to say you have read with your child. Please send your child to school with their reading book and Reading Diary each day. We will provide you with a folder to keep it safe. It is advised you read the book at least three times. First you read it with your child, then your child reads it. Then the next day your child reads it again this time more confidently. Please remember to sign three times. Use your knowledge of your child’s reading and sign x3 if you would like the book changed.

19 Reading Success Scheme
Children need to read three times a week. We record this on their chart and they have an owl in class. They move up a branch each week if they have read three times. After 7 weeks they can earn a bronze certificate. They then work towards silver and gold. Finally they earn a book token. Please remember to sign the reading diary unless we can’t keep track of when your child has read.

20 By the end of the Reception year the expectation is:
Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

21 Your Support "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss There are lots of skills for your child to learn. We teach these skills in school but the most successful children are those with parents who support and reinforce reading and writing at home. You can help by reading to and reading with your child, helping them learn letter sounds. Have some fun with Fred Talk Practice the sounds sent home and begin to put these together to blend sounds to read words. Visit the read write inc website for more information regarding phonics: Model the correct pronunciation of the sound. Complete the sounds homework We also welcome parental support in school. If you would like to volunteer please see your child’s class teacher.

22 Sounds Folders You will be given a set of the sounds to create into flash cards – Teach your children the sounds and phrases. We will supply you with a Fred Frog – Use Fred Frog to speak in sounds or hunt around the house to find things that begin with the sound they are learning. Practice the formation of the letters on the sheets provided - Encourage correct formation and pencil grip from the beginning. Use the rhymes to support the children form the letter shapes in cursive script. Folders given out on a Friday and to be returned on a Wednesday.

23 Thank you Thank you for attending today. I hope you have found the session useful. Any Questions?

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