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#questions: either restate or rewrite the questions

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1 #questions: either restate or rewrite the questions
VIRUSES #questions: either restate or rewrite the questions

2 Think-Pair-Share: Virus (pg. 99)
For 2 minutes, silently think and write about everything and anything you know about viruses. Next, take 2 minutes to share your information with you partner Then, share your thoughts with the class Influenza 1918

3 Engaging with Viruses 1st: read the Engage section of your Student Articles, taking note of common illnesses created by viruses 2nd: Quickwrite Why is the study of viruses so important?

4 Virus Quick Facts! Flu, chicken pox, & colds are all caused by viruses
Some viruses are just annoying (i.e. common cold) Some viruses are deadly (i.e. Ebola & HIV) In 1918, a flu virus killed 50 million people in America Today, 3,000-50,000 people die every year from a flu infection

5 FDR & Polio HIV & Africa Virus Quick Facts!
In the early 1900s, the Polio virus killed thousands in the U.S. FDR was affected by this virus Today, HIV/AIDS kills millions, annually, throughout the world FDR & Polio HIV & Africa

6 Amoeba Sisters: Viruses
1st: Watch the video: Amoeba Sisters Virus 2nd: Begin completing the handout that goes along with the video Amoeba Sisters: Viruses

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