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Junior Year Scheduling Class 2018

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1 Junior Year Scheduling Class 2018
Fordson High Tractors 3/7/2016

2 Graduation Requirements
8 semesters of Language Arts 6 semesters of Social Studies 6 semesters of Science 8 semesters of Mathematics 2 semesters of Phys. Education 4 semesters (or equivalent) of World Language 16 semesters of Elective courses (including Computer Applications and 2 semesters of any Visual, Performing or Applied Arts courses)


4 Are you on track? 23 credits Required to graduate
6 credits to be classified as a Sophomore 12 credits to be classified as a Junior 17 credits to be classified as a Senior If you lose credits due to a failing grade or attendance, you will not be classified as a Junior next year. After you make up the courses needed, you will be reclassified again and hopefully jump up to the correct grade level in your senior year.

5 Collegiate Academy Program
What is the Collegiate Academy Program? Earn a high school diploma and a 2 year associates degree 1year after HS graduation, for FREE. Who can apply? Invitation to apply is based on successful completion of 9th and 10th grades (no failures), and PSAT (April 13th) test scores. What should I do now? Turn in a completed course selection sheet and wait for a letter inviting you to apply for the Collegiate Academy.

6 Advanced Placement One year commitment
National college-level curriculum One year commitment Summer assignments 1+ hour homework/night per AP class Graded on a 5.0 scale AP Exam score may result in college credit Considered in college admission decision No dropping AP classes after June 30th, 2016!

7 Advanced Placement Courses
English Lang & Composition US Government Biology Computer Science (DCMST) Chemistry Physics Statistics (DCMST) Environmental Science Calculus BC (DCMST) Calculus AB Studio Art US History

8 LANGUAGE ARTS Requirement
Lang Arts 5, 6 or AP Lang & Comp

9 SOCIAL STUDIES Requirement
U.S. Government Or AP Government (full year) U.S. Economics Or Intro to Marketing sequence

10 SCIENCE Requirement Forensic Science - full year
Physics ► Chemistry (recommended) Honors Chemistry ► Honors Physics (recommended) Other science electives: Forensic Science - full year Anatomy/Physiology - full year AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics AP Environmental Science MBCC – full year CTE program DCMST 10 > DCMST 11

11 MATHEMATICS Requirement
Geometry ► Algebra (1 year) Honors Algebra 2 ► PreCalculus Algebra 2 ► Trig/PreCalculus or Statistics Students planning to take AP CALCULUS in their senior year must take PreCalculus

12 World Language Requirement
Four semesters (2 credits) of the same World Language. Arabic French Spanish

13 Course Offerings Journalism AP Environmental Science– full year
School Store

14 Visual, Performing and Applied Arts
2 semesters required Art Courses Wood Tech Auto Courses Home Technology Music / Band Welding Courses Yearbook Foods/Child Journalism School Store MBCC

15 Physical Education Electives
Required Prerequisite: 2 semesters PE 9/Health PE/HEALTH (Sem 1 for students completing requirement) SPORTS TECH (Sem 2 w/coach authorization 10-11) AEROBICS/WGTS (Sem 1 boys, Sem 2 girls) TEAM SPORTS ( Sem 1 & 2 Currently Power Sports) REC SPORTS ( Sem 1, Sem 2 )

Berry Career Center PREPARING STUDENTS OF TODAY FOR THE CAREERS OF TOMORROW Hi, I’m INSERT NAME AND SMILE HERE I’m from the Michael Berry Career Center. We are at the corner of Warren and Ann Arbor Trail by Outer Drive. The Career Center was built by the school district to offer several unique educational programs for Dearborn School District students, including you, The idea behind the Michael Berry Career Center is to offer specific training for specific high paying jobs in high demand. We don’t train you to be a rocket scientist where you can earn high pay but there aren’t very many jobs We also don’t train you to be a child care worker where there are plenty of jobs but the pay is low Our program involves leaving your home high school and coming to our Career Center for three hours of the school day. 16

17 Beautiful building with a great deal of pride in its appearance and the combination of students from throughout the district. Just inside those windows on the first floor is Mr. Riggs. His is and please feel free to him with any questions you may have about opportunities at the Berry. 17

18 Berry Career Center Easy enrollment using Course Selection Sheet
Bus transportation is provided All programs are 1 year long Choose courses of interest (1, 2 or 3 classes) Can select up to 3 hours at Berry 1-2-3rd or 4-5-6th hours Hospitality Program also runs 2-3-4th hours Easy Enrollment Easy transportation Involves a year long commitment to acquire the skills and knowledge available in the programs Provides a chance to sample the career you are thinking of pursuing Morning classes or afternoon classes are available and Hospitality students attend during 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hours 18

19 Berry Career Center Software Specialist is approved for Computer Apps Credit All career courses meet the Visual Performing & Applied Arts (or “Art Class”) credit for graduation All career courses provide the opportunity to earn College Credit (HFCC Credits) after Graduation All career courses focus on preparation for College and Future Employment in specific career fields Seniors can earn a MBCC Honors Graduation Cord Software Specialist meets the need for you to take a Computer Apps class. If you are interested in computers you get Computer Apps Credit but rather than learning Word and Power Point you work on becoming a Software Specialist. All MBCC courses meet the “Art Class” requirement. If you are interested in an MBCC Career option you can explore that career rather than taking a class to “meet a requirement.” Every 2 Hour Career Program qualifies you for college credit at HFCC 19

20 Clubs & Activities HOSA SkillsUSA IVD Kids Against Hunger
The Berry includes a club for students in every program. The Berry is involved in activities to improve the community like Kids Against Hunger and activities for fun like guest speakers, field trips and a number of student led events. 20

21 Academics Academics are a fundamental element of every class at the Berry. It isn’t where all the classes are EASY. It isn’t where all the classes are impossible either...a balance exists. 21

22 Berry Career Center Academic Courses
(1 hour classes) 11th Grade U.S. Government/U.S. Economics Meets Social Studies Graduation Requirement 12th Grade Language Arts 7/8 Meets Language Arts Graduation Requirement Individual needs easily accommodated using Edgenuity (E2020) courses 11th Graders take SS 12th Graders take Language Arts Some students who are out of sequence because they transferred or got ahead of their peers can find other accommodations available not listed on your form but easily managed. 22

23 Hospitality Studies The Hospitality Program does everything from bread to dessert and everything in between. They operate a fully functioning, fully licensed restaurant open to the public three days a week for lunch. 23

24 Berry Career Center Hospitality Studies Hospitality Studies YEAR I
(2 or 3 hour block classes) Hospitality Studies YEAR I Hospitality Studies YEAR II (Second Year Program is available with instructor approval) The program is available for the traditional two hour program and for those committed to a culinary career with the elective hours to spare there is a three hour option. Students in the program are trained in sanitation and safety before being provided assignments throughout the kitchen and dining room. Ideal scheduling of this class will bring students over during 2nd, 3rd and 4th hour so they will be on location during times when the restaurant is open. 24

25 Design Technology The Design Technology Program addresses both the Artistic and the Technical perspectives of Technology. The program provides skills and then applies them over the semester to completing a wide variety of projects. The projects are only limited by the ability of the students to apply their own imagination using their new skills. 25

26 Berry Career Center Technology Courses Design Concepts YEAR I
(all 2 hour block classes) Design Concepts YEAR I (choose both DESIGN 2D & DESIGN 3D to elect 2-hour block) Software Specialist YEAR I (Second Year Programs in both areas are available with instructor approval) Design Concepts begins with some basic art instruction and then translates the art using computers. The Software Specialist begins with some basic computer instructions and then translates the use of the computer skills to generate art. 26

27 Health Sciences The MBCC offers a great deal of hands on experiences directly related to your career interest. Classroom activities, clubs, job shadowing, externship experiences and even Hospital Clinic Rotations 27

28 Berry Career Center Health Courses
all 2 hr classes except Pre-Pharmacy/Medical Terminology Pre-Pharmacy/Medical Terminology Dental Assisting I Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy Medical Assisting Medical Careers I (Allied Health YEAR I) (Second Year Programs are available with instructor approval) Medical Careers involves classroom experiences to prepare students for a wide range of medical career options and for the Medical Careers 2nd Year Program providing Hospital Clinic Rotations. Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy can be taken for students who want some hands on exposure right away and know they intend to work as a Physical Therapist or Rehabilitation Therapist Medical Assisting can be taken for students who want a great deal of hands on exposure right away and know they intend to work in a doctors office or as a Patient Care Technician, Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant or a Nurse Dental Assisting is for students who intend to work in any of the dental professions from Dental Hygienist or Technician to Dentist or Oral Surgeon Pre-Pharmacy/Medical Terminology is a pair of courses designed to support students who want a third hour of a medically oriented program or non-medical students who would just like to sample the program or even those who may know their plan is specific and focused on working in the Pharmacy business. 28

29 Berry Career Center Elective Courses Elective Classes Dual Enrollment
(1 hour classes) Elective Classes Design 2D or 3D (1-hour Technology) Pre-Pharm/Medical Terminology Dual Enrollment Directed Study Co-op Students who are taking an AP class or don’t need the Academic classes have other options available to fill out their schedule at the Berry. 29

30 Course Request Pick-up
     Share your course selections with your parents and get their input. Mrs. Gass will meet with students individually, after spring break, to go over course requests for school year. Bring your course selections sheets to this counseling session in LA4 class.

31 Course Selection Procedure
6 courses must be selected for each semester NCAA Eligibility information – check the website There are no guarantees which courses will actually be taught in the fall Select classes that will support your career goal Keep in mind that colleges evaluate your senior year selections – choose wisely! Schedule changes will not be made in the fall. Don’t even ask !!

32 Remind Mrs. Gass To: @mrsmlg

33 Community Service Not a graduation requirement
Not a college admission requirement If you would like hours included on your transcript use the FHS community service logs located in the Guidance Center This information may be used for NHS application, college essays, scholarship application

34 School Involvement *athletics and/ or clubs *the most successful students are involved in more than just their academics *colleges want to admit students who are contributing members of their high schools and communities

35 Dual Enrollment What is Dual Enrollment? Dual Enrollment allows high school students to take college classes. Students attend high school, but go to the college for 1 or more college classes in place of electives. Who can Dual Enroll? Students who are on track for graduation. Students who have not failed a HFC class.

36 Dual Enrollment Student Responsibility:
You cannot add/drop HFC courses without your counselor signing the form. You must exit FHS during DE periods HFCC classes cannot interfere/conflict with FHS classes (lunch, late arrival) Courses must be 3 credit hour minimum Must follow School Code of Conduct You must attend the orientation hosted by HFC.

37 FHS Schedule 1st 7:20-8:20 2nd 8:25-9:25 3rd 9:30-10:30
4th 10:35-12:05 5th 12:10-1:10 6th 1:15-2:15

38 FHS Late Arrival Schedule
1st 8:20-9:10 2nd 9:15-10:05 3rd 10:10-11:00 4th 11:00-12:30 5th 12:35-1:20 6th 1:25-2:15

39 Dual Enrollment Registration Process
Research classes Programs know your pre-requisites review equivalency tables Verify with universities the DE classes they accept Fill out registration form w/signatures Return registration form to your counselor REGISTRATION OF CLASSES BEGINS APRIL 4TH. Must make a HawkMail account. Adding/Dropping classes without permission will result in no more DE. Dropping a class can also result in student paying for class.

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