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ISUAL Sprite Imager The Effects of Mask Pinholes: Test Results

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1 ISUAL Sprite Imager The Effects of Mask Pinholes: Test Results
Stewart Harris

2 CCD Active Area Masking
F/O Assembly Procedure F/O Window cemented to CCD Exposes full CCD Active Area Mask deposited on f/o taper F/O taper cemented to window Remaining area of window is painted with Z306 Image intensifier is cemented to top of taper (not shown) Top view of Dalsa CCD with f/o assembly Fiber Optic Taper Fiber Optic Window NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

3 Testing Effects of Mask Pinholes
Mask is applied to small end of taper Initial masks done at Sine Patterns poor quality, scratches, many pinholes Masks done at SSL (Jim Malloy) Inconel deposited in layer ~3000Å thick Edge defined by razor blade All tapers have exhibited some pinholes More recent trials have shown very few (~ 6 pinholes visible) This test was contrived to determine the effects of these pinholes NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

4 Effects of pinholes - Imaging Modes
Aurora Each exposure is taken then immediately shifted into readout area This mode has miniscule contamination from pinholes Sprite Continuous Exposures are “stacked up” in masked area Therefore, each exposure can be contaminated by light coming through pinholes during subsequent exposures Sprite Burst Same problem as Continuous Mode NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

5 Continuous Mode Image Stacking
The active image area not covered by the mask is normally painted black, but this step can only happen after the taper is cemented to the window, and was inappropriate for this test. In Continuous Mode, successive images are clocked into the “pseudo-masked” area. Since the circular mask on the taper only covers a portion of the CCD active image area, there are artifacts of the taper edge in the test images. In Aurora Mode, each image is immediately shifted into the readout area, therefore aurora images are more immune to the effects of pinholes. For this reason they make good baseline images with which to compare the Continuous Mode images. NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

6 Pinhole Test Description
One cemented assembly used CCD-200 assembled with Incom-1 taper Three un-cemented assemblies tested Used CCD-213 with f/o window cemented Tapers with mask deposited butted to it Incom-5, Schott-1, Schott-2 Take images with uniform illumination In both Continuous and Aurora Mode Take images with active area blocked Block active area, but leave masked area illuminated This exaggerates effects of pinholes NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

7 Images - Continuous Mode
Incom-1 (cemented on CCD-200, and painted) Incom-5 (not cemented, not painted) NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

8 Images - Continuous Mode
Schott-1 (not cemented, not painted) Schott-2 (not cemented, not painted) NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

9 Analysis of Difference Images
Move a small Black cover over our reduced image area, leaving masked area fully illuminated Increase illumination to “Xtra” level to exaggerate pinhole illumination Take both an Aurora Image and Continuous Mode Image Difference Image = Continuous - Aurora Enhance Difference Image to expose pinholes (sharpen edges) NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

10 Difference Images - Black Xtra
Schott-1 (not cemented) Incom-1 (cemented and painted on CCD-200) NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

11 Difference Images - Black Xtra
Schott-2 (not cemented) Incom-5 (not cemented) NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

12 Conclusions Schott-1 Schott-2 Incom-5
Has a few (7) very dim pinholes, amount of contamination minimal Useable “as-is” for flight unit Schott-2 Has significant edge problem (left edge of mask) Looks like it’s on outside edge of mask Also has a few (1-2) very dim pinholes Satisfactory for ETU, normal painting should minimize light leak on edge Perhaps some black paint on edge before cementing, need to experiment Incom-5 Has one significant pinhole (center right) and a few (6) dim ones Quite satisfactory for ETU Incom-1 (already cemented to CCD-200) Has major pinhole (lower right) and many small ones (1st SSL mask) Is OK for ETU, especially useable for mechanical testing NCKU UCB Tohoku Sprite Imager S. Harris 21 Feb 2002

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