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God's Loving Commandments (part 10 of 10)

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Presentation on theme: "God's Loving Commandments (part 10 of 10)"— Presentation transcript:

1 God's Loving Commandments (part 10 of 10)
The Ten Commandments God's Loving Commandments (part 10 of 10) Christian Contentment Exodus 20:17

2 Exodus 20:17 (ESV) 17“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.”

3 3 Realities about Covetousness

4 1) Covetousness BLINDS us to Christ's provision for our life
A) Nothing is GOOD when you want something better

5 1) Covetousness BLINDS us to Christ's provision for our life
B) No action looks EVIL when you covet something you see as good

6 1) Covetousness BLINDS us to Christ's provision for our life
C) Nothing is present to give THANKS for when covetousness is present

7 A) What occupies most of your THOUGHT life?
2) Covetousness DISTRACTS you from fulfilling your purpose in the body of Christ A) What occupies most of your THOUGHT life?

8 B) What do you WORK most diligently for?
2) Covetousness DISTRACTS you from fulfilling your purpose in the body of Christ B) What do you WORK most diligently for?

9 C) What do you SPEAK most passionately about?
2) Covetousness DISTRACTS you from fulfilling your purpose in the body of Christ C) What do you SPEAK most passionately about?

10 3) Covetousness STEALS the joy of Christ from your life
A) COUNT your blessings not your wants

11 3) Covetousness STEALS the joy of Christ from your life
B) CONTROL your eyes and ears and use them for Christ

12 3) Covetousness STEALS the joy of Christ from your life
C) CAPTURE a Christ centered vision for your life


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