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Magento Development Portfolio

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Presentation on theme: "Magento Development Portfolio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magento Development Portfolio
Digitalplugs Technologies Magento Development Portfolio Confidential Document, please do not distribute |

2 Magento Web Development
CorvinTrade This project is made to provide complete range of electronics products .i.e Tv & Audio, White Goods, Projectors Screens, Sound Systems, Refrigerators etc. Front End : HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Magento Back End : MySQL (phpmyadmin) |

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4 Magento Web Development
Eiscolabs  This project is made to provide complete range of product for the science education and scientific lab market i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Glassware etc. Their mission is to be the trusted supplier of distributors and science teachers around the world. Front End : HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Magento Back End : MySQL (phpmyadmin) |

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6 Magento Web Development
Solidea Medical - This project is made to provide complete range of products. Front End : HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Magneto Back End : MySQL (phpmyadmin) |

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8 Magento Web Development
Eiscosci - This project is made to provide complete range of product for the science education and scientific lab market i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Glassware etc. Their mission is to be the trusted supplier of distributors and science teachers around the world. Front End : HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Magneto Back End : MySQL (phpmyadmin) |

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10 Magento Web Development
Stage Shop is an online catalogue for professionals and amateurs interested in the best spaces to experience theatre, cinema, or music. The site offers a diverse selection of products and parts for the professional stage manager or the do-it-yourself enthusiast seeking the perfect performance space or film experience Front End : HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Magneto Back End : MySQL (phpmyadmin) |

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12 Feel free to get in touch:
“ We would be happy to share more of our work quality going forward as it may help you understand the quality of work. ” Contact Us : Mohali, India E-51, Phase-8, Industrial Area, Mohali (Punjab), Phone: Skype: kells.sharma |

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