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To achieve our LT goals, we propose the following structures…

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Presentation on theme: "To achieve our LT goals, we propose the following structures…"— Presentation transcript:

1 To achieve our LT goals, we propose the following structures…
Opening and Community Building Teachers arrive and engage in icebreakers/ S-celebration with each other. 10 min. Problem-Solving Groups 4 teachers meet in same group each month (teacher-chosen). Teachers engage in “portfolio review protocol” for two of their group members. Teachers problem-solve & set next steps for next time. Teachers reflect on their own classrooms. 50 min. Reading Club & Writing Clubs Teachers (pre) write/read text chosen by another teacher in group the preceding month. Teachers talk, respond, & argue. Teachers practice/ grow as doers of literacy. 30 min.

2 Literacy Initiative ProSat Structures
Opening and Community Building Problem-Solving Groups Reading Club, Writing Club Teachers break into separate rooms (2nd years don’t have to choose an ELA course, but we recommend it!) Sarah publishes solutions from ELA teachers around the Delta & from problem-solving groups & courses. Literacy Newsletter (Mostly through the TFA-Delta-ELA blog): Intro to ELA: Pedagogy & Student-Ownership Course Staff-led Modified 2011 Fall Pro Sat Curriculum Attended by 1st year teachers and 2nd year teachers who opt in. 2nd Year ELA Courses LTL-led discussions & problem-solving sessions to develop 2nd year teachers in various ways: 1. Novel Studies/ Thematic Studies 2. Student-Centered Discussions 3. Creative writing & Research writing

3 A Note about Pre-Work: There’s always going to be pre-work. 
Learning Team Time: We’re going to have our first Reading Club Discussion in September! We thought we’d start Reading/ Writing Clubs with the same text across all of our groups (should take no more than 15 min to read). Atlantic Monthly article called “Alone in the Classroom” Posted to ELA site! We’re starting our problem-solving next month too! Bring 5 pieces of student work from the same assignment (low, low-mid, mid, mid-high, high) Please bring either student responses to literature or student-evidence about IR. We’re going to read each others’ student-writing & help each other develop solutions. ELA Courses: Each course will have min of pre-reading prior to Sept. Course leaders will release the pre-reading to you at least 10 days prior to Sept. Pro Sat. PLEASE do the pre-reading! prioritize getting this done. Rationale for pre-work: Pro Sat is just too short, soooo there will always be Pre-Work…we promise to always announce it at Pro Sat & remind you about it once via . Courses: -share the expectations for September. -PLEASE do the pre-reading! Rationale: We want courses to include lots of discussion, instead of information downloading & the only way that will happen is if we do the pre-reading. Reading & Writing Clubs Problem-Solving: -2 kinds of evidence= reading evidence, writing evidence -Define portfolio= 5 bits of evidence (low-low, low-mid, mid, mid-high, high) from the same assignment. Specifically, either bring responses to literature or bring evidence of IR (such as low student has read 0 books so far, has never turned in a reading log, and says “I hate to read” when I ask her about her reading preferences)

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