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CERN-Russia Collaboration in CASTOR Development

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1 CERN-Russia Collaboration in CASTOR Development

2 Cern Advanced STORage Manager

3 2003: 3 man-months - 1 visit 2004: 6 man-months - 3 visits
Man Power 2003: 3 man-months visit 2004: 6 man-months visits 2005: 7 man-months visits

4 Work performed - I DLF – Distributed Logging Facility
Consists of DLF Server, DLF API, and special programs for configuring/maintenance. Each CASTOR component can send log messages to the DLF Server for storing them in the Database. ORACLE and MySQL are supported. DLF API also gives the possibility to write log messages to a file. The messages can be transferred from the log file to the database by using special program dlflogstore.

5 Work performed - II DLF Query GUI
DLF Query is a frontend for viewing log messages from the DLF databases. Only needed log messages can be selected by using search criteria. Any Web Browser can be used to view log messages.

6 DLF Query GUI

7 Work performed - III “Expertd” – generic network service – interface to CLIPS (a tool for building expert systems) CASTOR security CASTOR Monitoring tools (Java) CASTOR DataBase Viewing GUI Prototype of Garbage Collector Improvements to the DLF

8 CASTOR Monitoring


10 Web Links

11 Further Plans There is some work which should/could be done. Of course, it depends on the current needs. Examples are: Improving DLF Port Oracle PL/SQL code to PostgreSQL CASTOR Scheduler (other than LSF) Trying free Oracle Express Edition for small installations Self-Describing tapes

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