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Innovators and Inventors

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1 Innovators and Inventors
What are the possibilities for the future? Hovercrafts? Jet packs? What are the possibilities?

2 Power Pioneers Program
Origin Energy Savers

3 Power Pioneers Program
Origin Energy Savers

4 tudents/power-pioneers?utm_campaign=Power Pioneers

5 HOW DO I ENTER? Tell them in 200 words or less ‘WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE ENERGY INVENTION AND HOW IS IT POWERED?’ The Rules! Be Imaginative, Be Innovative You can work individually or in pairs

6 Prizes!!!!! $4,000 for their school
An electronic tablet for their teacher $1,000 for the student/s, plus a trip to Sydney to meet other state winners and share their ideas with a senior leader at Origin’s Sydney head office.

7 Lets make a model! The competition only needs a written entry, but lets take this up a notch! LET’S MAKE A MODEL!! Because we are talking about renewable and non renewable energy sources, we will practice what we preach. We will make our models from recycled or recyclable materials……so start collecting! (trash and treasure may be a good place to start)

8 What sort of things are we collecting
Milk Cartons Sticks – Skewers, Straws. Boxes. Cardboard, Paper. Toilet Rolls, Paper Towel Rolls What else do you think is useful?

9 Get Inspired Next week we will have a model making workshop, we will talk about how to make things stand up and function. Check out Wallace and Gromit, this is really worth a look They are about innovative ideas and creative practices. /hands-on/magnus-effect-car/

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