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Naheem Bashir Prevent Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Naheem Bashir Prevent Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naheem Bashir Prevent Coordinator

2 What I want from you! Your opinions Questions Enthusiasm
Active participation

3 What do these terms mean?
Policing Terrorism Terrorists Extremism Radicalisation Tolerance Racism Prevent Religion Ideologies The media You in the community

4 Terrorists Terrorism Extremism Tolerance Racism Police
Individuals who carry out acts of violence in support of their cause or beliefs. They cause harm to others. The use of threat or violence against a person and/or property which causes serious harm to health and safety of others. Extremism Tolerance This is the vocal or active opposition to Fundamental British values; including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. They are views which can be positive or negative which fall outside the average way of thinking. The ability to accept the opinions, beliefs and customs of other people Racism Police The official people who stop criminals and help people. Discriminating someone because of their race

5 You in the community Religion Ideologies Radicalisation The media
A set of beliefs about God, gods and/or goddesses. The set of beliefs behind a movement, religion, political group, etc Radicalisation The process where someone is manipulated/groomed/brainwashed/exploited to think and do things which they usually would not believe or do. The media Sources which provide us with information and influence our opinions and perceptions Prevent This means stopping something from happening. You in the community

6 Perceptions of terrorism and extremists

7 What is terrorism? The threat or use of serious violence against a person, serious damage to a property, endangering a person’s life, creating a serious risk to the health and safety of the public, or serious disruption to the electronic network The use or threat is designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public The use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

8 What are Fundamental British Values:
Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Whose values are these? Are these our values as a school? Are these Fundamental Human Values? Are these not the values that embody within all of us?


10 Different faces of Terrorism
Al Qaeda Ideology Irish Nationalist Threat Environmental Extremism Far Right Extremism ISIL/ISIS/Daesh Animal Rights Extremism

11 Perception of Media How do we check what we are being told is true?
Who can we speak to about information? What do we do if we are unsure about what we are reading? Check your sources! Are they reputable? Don’t believe everything you read, check to ensure the information is true, make your own opinions!

12 Any Questions?

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