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Portfolio Transformation for Cisco Services Partners

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1 Portfolio Transformation for Cisco Services Partners

2 Why Change the Portfolio?
Cisco is changing the portfolio to more closely align to the business needs of the customers leading to more relevant and compelling conversations Cisco is responding to customer and partner requests to simplify our services portfolio Cisco is embarking on a portfolio transformation journey to evolve our services portfolio to be: Simple Fixed set of (modular and tiered) Business Services across the Plan, Build, Manage Lifecycle Relevant Driving business and technical outcomes for Cisco partners and customers Smart Differentiated value built on a platform of smart capabilities Why Change the portfolio? In these challenging economic time our customers are trying to drive growth and profitability, or drive cost optimization, or improve workforce productivity. They’re looking for technology to help their business grow, become more profitable or differentiate themselves. The technology and solutions are becoming more and more complex, and our customer are demand that Cisco and our partners can help them achieve desired business outcomes. We are recognizing that customers don’t buy services for their own sake, they buy them to address business and IT challenges. Customers and partners are asking us to integrate, simplify, and make our services more compelling, and help define the right set up services that are appropriate for where they are in their journey, and provide outcomes based solutions. Partners and customers want Cisco to be easier to do business with. So we are taking the first step in our journey to transform our service portfolio to make it Simple– as we are designed our portfolio around a fixed set modular and tiered business service categories that cross all architectures, segments, and technologies. We are developing an approach to help drive the customer discussion to understand customers required business outcomes and prescribe the relevant services. We do this by extending to you software-enabled smart services capabilities. In the first step of this journey, we’re changing the way we talk about our services through the modular simplified portfolio framework.

3 Simplifying the Services Portfolio Built for Ease Around Customer Relevancy
Create an agile infrastructure Develop a cost effective strategy Prepare to support new solutions Speed time to value Reduce deployment costs Maintain availability during deployment and migration Product Support Optimization Operations Management We’re transforming/simplifying the services portfolio by aligning it to customer imperatives to deliver more value across all customer segments, architectures and technologies, making it easier for Cisco and our partners to sell. Within a unified, flexible, and common portfolio framework across all of Services we are driving innovation around ONE services portfolio framework Cisco with our partners has the portfolio to help companies plan, build, and manage their networks at any stage of the network lifecycle today, and we’re continually evolving with the demands of customers’ changing businesses to drive value in market transitions – increasing profitability for Cisco and our partners. With the network at the heart of every business, Services are critical in helping customers realize the full value of our their IT and communications investments faster by harnessing the intelligent network as a powerful business platform. Simply put, our services help organizations enable architectures, a high-performing network, and business solutions. Improve performance, availability, resiliency Increase efficiency and reduce costs Mitigate risk

Fuel Performance, Efficiency, and Innovation with Smart Service Capabilities Automated Software-Enabled Capabilities …which collect Diagnostic Data …which is analyzed and compared to Cisco’s Deep Knowledge Base …to provide Actionable Insight. Smart service capabilities are at the center of all the value we and our partners deliver. These are services that have Automated Software-enabled Capabilities…which collect Network Diagnostic Data…which is analyzed and compared to Cisco’s Deep Knowledge Base …to provide Actionable Insight. This actionable insight can take the form of assessing the state of the network and devices, optimizing network performance, improving operational efficiency, and simplifying and automating ongoing operations. When we talk about our deep knowledge base, we’re talking about all the knowledge we’ve gained through more than 25 years’ industry innovation and leadership with more than 50 million installed devices and 6 million annual customer interactions. This visibility enables you to deliver the level of predictable network performance that is necessary for providing an exceptional customer experience. It enables you to increase operational efficiency and productivity, resolve problems faster, and reduce costs. By enabling a more reliable network, it frees you to turn your focus to innovation through initiatives that bring greater value to your business. 25 years’ networking innovation and leadership 6 million annual customer interactions 90,000+ technical documents 50 million installed devices CISCO DEEP KNOWLEDGE BASE

5 Smart Service Capabilities Add Value at Each Phase
Better Understand What Needs to Change to Achieve Transformation SMART: Successfully Manage Deployment and Migration With Improved Visibility Product Support Optimization Optimization Management Product Support Services for Success at Every Phase Smart service capabilities enable better visibility, better information, and better understanding to fuel performance, efficiency, and innovation throughout the network and IT lifecycle: Plan In the plan phase, you develop an architectural strategy and transformational road map in alignment with your business requirements. You analyze the current state of your network architecture, IT model, and service management approach, and develop high-level and detailed designs. Smart service capabilities enable you to better understand what you have running in your environment so you can more effectively evaluate what needs to change and how to achieve transformation. Build In the build phase, you validate that the solutions you’ve designed are ready for your production network, and then implement or migrate new solutions and applications. As you build your network, smart service capabilities provide continuous visibility into the overall state of your network, putting you in a better position to successfully manage deployment and migration. Manage In the manage phase, you optimize your infrastructure, applications, and service management approach, and monitor and manage your infrastructure. You ensure your devices are protected and your software is current. In day-to-day operations, smart service capabilities provide visibility into your infrastructure, delivering the intelligence you need to preempt potential issues, quickly resolve those that arise, and simplify network management and support processes. Best of all, they enable a more reliable network so you can turn your focus to initiatives that bring greater value to the business. Preempt and Quickly Resolve Issues; Focus on Initiatives That Deliver Greater Value SMART:

6 Create an Agile Infrastructure and Cost-Effective Strategy
Strategy and Analysis Create architectural strategies and roadmaps Effectively support new and future business requirements Determine network and IT infrastructure readiness Assessment Reduce deployment costs and delays Establish a flexible, resilient, scalable architectural foundation Improve infrastructure performance, security, and scalability PLAN PHASE: In the plan phase, you develop an architectural strategy and transformational road map in alignment with your business requirements. You analyze the current state of your network architecture, IT model, and service management approach, and develop high-level and detailed designs. Smart service capabilities enable you to better understand what you have running in your IT environment so you can more effectively evaluate what needs to change and how to achieve transformation. Strategy and Analysis Services Strategy and Analysis Services help you to effectively support new and future business requirements by creating architectural strategies and transformational roadmaps. They enable you to: Prioritize and focus IT management efforts Accelerate the development of a cost effective strategy with a measurable ROI Successfully transform your infrastructure, IT management, people, and processes Assessment Services Assessment Services help you determine your IT infrastructure’s compliance to best practices and policies, and/or readiness to support a new technology, application, architecture, or solution so you can: Reduce deployment costs and delays Improve your operations staff’s ability to support what is being introduced Strengthen your support infrastructure, processes, and tools Design Services Design Services help you create a flexible, resilient, scalable architectural foundation to support your business solutions by developing high-level and detailed designs for your IT infrastructure, applications, operations processes, and network management. They enable you to: Accelerate adoption of new technologies and improve return on investment Reduce expensive, time-consuming redesign Improve the proficiency of your deployment team and operations staff Design SMART SERVICE CAPABILITIES EFFECTIVELY EVALUATE WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE AND HOW TO ACHIEVE TRANSFORMATION Migration

7 Speed Time to Value and Reduce Deployment Costs
Confirm your solution meets your requirements before implementation Mitigate risks, accelerate time to market, improve availability Validation Get expert assistance to deploy new solutions or applications Deployment Reduce costly delays, risk, and rework Take a systematic, holistic, efficient approach to upgrading your infrastructure Control costs, improve efficiency, mitigate risk while managing refresh Migration BUILD PHASE: In the build phase, you validate that the solutions you’ve designed are ready for your production network, and then implement or migrate new solutions and applications. As you build your network, smart service capabilities provide continuous visibility into the overall state of your network, putting you in a better position to successfully manage deployment and migration. Validation Services Validation Services help you confirm that your solution meets requirements for availability, security, and reliability by assessing its architecture, operational status, and security before implementing it in your production network, so you can: Mitigate risks associated with updating the production network Increase deployment success and accelerate solution adoption Reduce costly delays, risks, and rework Deployment Services Deployment Services help you successfully deploy new IT solutions or applications. Expert assistance helps you to: Reduce delays, rework, and other problems during implementation Decrease disruption to your production network during deployment Realize business and technical goals of the new solution Migration Services Migration Services help you to control costs, improve efficiency, and mitigate risk while managing network and product refresh of your production IT environment. With a systematic, holistic approach to refreshing the network infrastructure, you can: More effectively budget for network operations costs Introduce new capabilities with potentially lower total cost of ownership Reduce system outages and support issues with a proactive plan for replacing aging network components Speed deployment and cutover time when migrating SMART SERVICE CAPABILITIES SUCCESSFULLY MANAGE DEPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION WITH CONTINUOUS INSIGHT TO NETWORK AND IT INFRASTRUCTURE STATE

8 Improve Performance, Availability, Resiliency; Reduce Costs
Product Support Automated network–equipment inventory management; award winning support Increase operational efficiency, lower support costs, manage risk Solution Support Priority access to dedicated and focused resources Quickly resolve issues within complex multivendor solutions Optimize infrastructure, applications, and service management Improve performance, availability, resiliency of services Optimization Operations Management Monitor and manage your network infrastructure Simplify operations, lower TCO, accelerate technology adoption MANAGE PHASE: In the manage phase, you optimize your infrastructure, applications, and service management approach, and monitor and manage your infrastructure. You ensure your devices are protected and your software is current. In day-to-day operations, smart service capabilities provide visibility into your infrastructure, delivering the intelligence you need to preempt potential issues, quickly resolve those that arise, and simplify network management and support processes. Best of all, they enable a more reliable network so you can turn your focus to initiatives that bring greater value to the business. Product Support Services Product Support Services help you increase operational efficiency, lower support costs, and improve network risk management through smart service capabilities and award-winning support. With these services, you can: More effectively manage risk, plan for equipment upgrades, and comply with your corporate policies Identify and resolve issues quickly and reduce downtime Streamline contract management and access support resources faster Solution Support Services Solution Support Services help you increase solution uptime and employee productivity by providing priority access to a single point of contact to manage, troubleshoot, and speed resolution of issues that might arise within complex, multivendor solutions. They supplement product-level technical support to: Quickly isolate and resolve issues that may arise within the solution Improve the performance of IT operations Increase the availability of the applications supported within the solution Optimization Services Optimization Services help you to optimize your IT infrastructure, applications, and service management. They identify gaps, deliver recommendations, and provide support so you can: Improve the performance, availability, resiliency, and visibility of your network and IT services Prepare the IT infrastructure for change and more effectively manage change Increase your team’s self-sufficiency Reduce operating costs and improve return on your IT investments Mitigate risks that can compromise the privacy and security Operations Management Services Operations Management Services help you simplify IT operations, lower the total cost of network ownership, and accelerate adoption of advanced technologies while retaining visibility and control. By out-tasking proactive monitoring and management of your network infrastructure or applications in alignment with ITIL processes, you can: Solve problems faster and more effectively manage risk and growth in your network Reduce capital expenditure and overhead costs Receive a consistent experience worldwide with Cisco’s global reach SMART SERVICE CAPABILITIES PREEMPT AND QUICKLY RESOLVE ISSUES; SIMPLIFY NETWORK AND IT INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT

9 Smart Service Capabilities
The Cisco Services Portfolio for Partners Made up of CBR and Collaborative Services over Plan, Build and Manage, and Services for Partner Consumption Build Plan Manage Product Support Optimization Solution Support Operations Management Strategy and Analysis Assessment Design Validation Deployment Migration Smart Service Capabilities Services for Partner Consumption Services that bolster partners’ practices, enabling them to deliver high quality services across the customer IT lifecycle (Plan, Build, and Manage). Scale/Accelerate time to revenue for new architecture opportunities Complementein-house capabilities Cisco Services has the business services to deliver on customer needs. We extend these services to partners in the form of Collaborative services, where Cisco and the partner deliver business services to the end-customer, and Cisco Branded Resale services, where partner can resell services to fit the needs of a deal. In both cases, Cisco encourages partners to sell their own services and augment their own practices. Importantly, Cisco Services is committed to providing services for partners that allows you to deliver on the customer lifecycle phases. These “Services for Partner Consumption” are aimed at bolstering your professional services, managed services, and cloud services practices. They provide a diverse range of outcomes for your particular business – from educational opportunities for your engineers to the details of setting up a test bed as a proof point for your customer. These are services that the end-customer won’t see, but that will accelerate your journey to best-in-class margins.

10 The Cisco Services Portfolio for Partners
Collaborative Professional Services (CPS) CPS Data Center Assessment Build Plan Manage Product Support Optimization Solution Support Operations Management Strategy and Analysis Assessment Design Validation Deployment Migration Smart Service Capabilities CPS DC Design Services CPS DC/Cloud Accelerators CPS DC Knowledge Service Advanced Services for Resale Cloud Adoption Strategy Service Partner Consumption Cloud Adoption Design Service Technical Services On the left is the inside-out view of Cisco Services – and this is how many partners view us today. The Plan Build Manage framework is a market-validated construct. Move to the next slide to see how the business services in this use case map to the Modular Portfolio Framework. Partner Support Service Smart Care SMARTnet

11 Cisco Services Portfolio for Partners
Use Case: Cisco Services Portfolio for Partners Data Center, Virtualization, & Cloud CPS DC Design Services Cloud Adoption Design Build Plan Manage Product Support Optimization Solution Support Operations Management Strategy and Analysis Assessment Design Validation Deployment Migration Smart Service Capabilities CPS DC Assessment Partner Consumption CPS DC/Cloud Accelerators CPS DC Knowledge Service Cloud Adoption Strategy PSS Smart Care SMARTnet

12 Outcome-Based Services Prescriptions

13 Customer Service Prescriptions
Enabling Sales to “Tailor” Services to Customer Outcomes Customer Service Prescriptions help answer the question “Why <Partner> And Cisco” using customer-relevant language, illustrating the Cisco and Partner Services journey to deliver specific customer outcomes. Based on Modular and Simplified Services, Customer Service Prescriptions enable sales to quickly and confidently “tailor the engagement” for each customer. How is Cisco changing the discussion with customers, and how can we extend this change to our partners? The change in the discussion is all about increasing our relevance to our customers by demonstrating our joint capability to help customer achieve business outcomes. The discussion is changing by starting the conversation with getting an understanding of the customer desired business outcomes and then work with them to translate them to IT requirement and then identify the architectural solution and recommend a service prescription. A service prescription is a collection of services that help the customer successfully make a journey from their current state to their desired end-state (based on desired business and operational outcomes). The customer discussion is intended Each services solution positions a collection of services – whether from the partner or from Cisco, either transactional or subscription – based on the services journey map. Sales should position the services based on where they are in their journey. These prescription provide the needed tools to drive the discussion with the customer and ultimately lead to an order for you! What’s included in a Customer Service Prescription? Services Journey Map Ordering Guides External Collateral Internal Collateral

14 Desktop Virtualization Customer Service Prescription
Architectural Services Approach Architectural Deployment Incremental Architectural Change & Maintenance Deployment Identify Business Value + Business Outcomes Optimization & Solution Support Desktop Virtualization Validation Service Pre-Production Pilot Customer Outcomes, IT Priorities Enhanced security and compliance Lower operating costs - optimized infrastructure, simplified IT desktop operations Business agility – faster, simpler and secure provisioning of desktop for end users Superior work style experience - access to all applications, communications and collaboration services, anywhere on any device Design Strategy and Analysis and Assessment This is a sample journey map for the Desktop Virtualization services solution. Each circle on the journey map represents one or more services that can be delivered to the customer to help them through Plan, Build, and Manage of their network in support of achieving their desired outcomes. Journey maps for services solutions should be populated with partner and Cisco service offers – based on capability, capacity, geographical coverage, and intellectual capital available. We are planning to identify services that are: Partner only (can be delivered in both Cisco- and partner-managed accounts) Cisco only (can be delivered in both Cisco- and partner-managed accounts) Complementary (services that dovetail between Cisco and a partner) Comparable (partner and Cisco offers have similar capability profiles) Discovery Session Manage Plan / Build 14 14 14

15 Cisco Services Portfolio Transformation
Build Plan Manage Product Support Optimization Solution Support Operations Management Strategy and Analysis Assessment Design Validation Deployment Migration Partner Consumption SMART SERVICE CAPABILITIES The portfolio is differentiated by Smart Services Capabilities, providing valuable insight through the Plan, Build, and Manage customer lifecycle phases. The transformed portfolio provides the foundation for Cisco and our partners to build flexible and holistic services prescriptions for our customers that help customer achieve business outcomes at any stage of their journey. We are transforming the Cisco Services portfolio to be simple and more customer and partner relevant.

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