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Halton Village Project

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1 Halton Village Project
Hafiyyullah Bhayat - Planner Dharmendra Patel - Analyst Joshua Prendergast - Technologist

2 Passive housing Community living Energy Facilities Photos by LukeMills

3 Visualize the data in a way that’s understandable for residents
problem Solar panels gather sustainable energy Varied power output Difficult to predict Have to sell / buy excess energy The challenge: Visualize the data in a way that’s understandable for residents Give examples of how residents would use the visualization

4 Specification Non-intrusive, but easy to access – communal areas?
Emphasis on readability & simplicity Non-intrusive, but easy to access – communal areas? Data visualization: Energy meter Amount of uses per appliance (e.g. how much energy will using the washer use?) Graphs Timeline of energy generated

5 Ideas Screen in the communal area Energy meter (red, yellow, green)
Website Detailed information QR / NFC codes attached to appliances Scan for power usage information Screen in laundry room Shows how many cycles are available

6 Technologies MySQL database Dynamically generated webpages
Stores meter readings gathered every few hours Serves data to communal areas / website Dynamically generated webpages Devices access the website to view graphs / information Anything that uses a browser can access (e.g. mobiles) PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML Possibly: QR tags / NFC, scanners, screens

7 SHORT Term Meet stakeholder Kevin Frea in the village
Do some scouting Talk to residents, see locations, gain insight on the problem Research the sensor network and existing system Find a fourth team member! 

8 Long Term Project Plan and Roles Weeks
9 10 (Christmas) 4 weeks 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Research sustainability and Halton village and investigate problem by meeting with stakeholder (All Team Members) Present ideas and solutions and plan project (All Team Members) Co-design the solution (All team members + stakeholder) Revise project plan (Hafiyyullah) Implement prototype solution (Joshua + other team members) Partake incremental testing of the website (All members) Evaluate with stakeholder (salesperson/manager) Further developments after testing + Improve prototype (All members) Through and detailed testing (All members) Trial prototype in field (All members) Record results, evaluate and finish report (All members)

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