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Oakland EMA Patricia La Brie Calloway, R.N., P.H.N. Program Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Oakland EMA Patricia La Brie Calloway, R.N., P.H.N. Program Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oakland EMA Patricia La Brie Calloway, R.N., P.H.N. Program Manager
Quality and Data Management Unit

2 Oakland EMA City of Berkeley, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
Population: 2,464,668 Alameda County third most ethnically diverse county in the U.S. Epidemics of HIV among people of color, substance users and women Median household income $59,810

3 Quality Management Participated in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Title I Collaborative Reviewed HRSA QM Technical Assistance Tools (, Reviewed other EMA QM materials

4 Developing the Quality Management Plan
Grantee QM staff Input from key stakeholders Approved by the CQI committee and Planning Council Approved by the Office of AIDS Director

5 Structure of QM plan Mission statement Purpose
Goals and Objectives,

6 Goals Develop a Quality Assurance Plan
Enhance Continuous Quality Improvement Improve Data management Educate Planning Council, Providers and Consumers

7 Other Elements of the QM Plan
Accountability Resources Priorities QM Activities Approach Methodology

8 Barriers Implementation Staff turnover Clarity on common language
Knowledge and Use of the Plan Changing focus

9 Process to update the QM plan
Involve Consumers, Planning Council, Providers, Other Titles, Senior Leaders; Review comments from TA staff at HRSA; Agree on common language; Evaluate current activities; Look for additional resources; Keep the goals realistic!

10 Successes Collaborating with other jurisdictions,Title III and Title IV Experts among us! QM site visits to all Title I and II agencies Developed QM language for RFP and Contracts Conducted Trainings for staff, providers and consumers Discussing Indicators across the EMA Collecting baseline data CQI committee focus

11 Lessons Learned Plan for 1 year only; Stay focused on the activities
Evaluate early “Show Them The Data” Get everyone involved Use it ! Great work guide!

12 Next Steps!!!! Update annually Correlate with the Comprehensive Plan
Improve evaluation process Provide opportunities for sharing Focus on small projects for improvements

13 Next Steps Planning Council-improve decision making process
Program Monitors/Staff- administrative improvement –(response time; QM tools) Providers-track outcomes to asses service delivery effectiveness

14 Contact information Alameda County Public Health Department Office of AIDS Administration (510)

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