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Soccer Soup 6 Key Ingredients.

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1 Soccer Soup 6 Key Ingredients

2 Key Ingredients The Ball The Goals Teammates Field Occupation
3 Main Moments The Elements of Soccer

3 The Ball The ball determines EVERYTHING about the game – when you have it, you try to score … When you don’t have it, you try to win it back, and then score. The ball is the single most important thing in the game…….. When it crosses the goal-line, a goal is scored!! Players must ALWAYS know where the ball is --- Keep your eyes on the ball, especially when going in for tackle or an intercept, or receiving a cross or flighted ball.

4 The Goal Players must always have an awareness of both goals …… once you lose sight of the goal, the game changes for you. In attack, your first look when gaining ball possession should be the attacking goal … Maybe you can score right now – maybe you have a teammate breaking in on goal who can score …. Maybe the keeper is out of position and way off his line. In defense – always recover in line with the near post – take that angle and reduce the scoring chance of the opponent. In defense, stay goal-side of your immediate opponent and always defend the players nearest the goal first, as they are always the most dangerous and most likely to score. Take the game to the goal! Train to the goal as much as possible – the game is always played between 2 goals

5 Teammates Always know where your teammates are --- both near and far
When you look to the corner flag, you will always get a broad wide angle view of the playing field – you will get a peripheral view and that view will allow you to see many possibilities. When recovering the ball in transition, look to play to the deepest teammate nearest the goal as soon as possible. The players without the ball are always the most important as they must provide playing options for the player with the ball. The player with the ball is dependent on teammates for support and playing options.

6 Field Occupation Consider the field to be like an accordion -----
You must always be able to adjust its size, from largest to smallest, by player positioning. When in ball possession, make the playing field as large as possible – make the defending team defend the entire area – don’t help them by reducing the area by cheating in. Wingers should be wide to the touch lines (chalk on the heels – ‘old school’) and forwards should be deep to the on-side line. Using the keeper as a field player extends the depth of the field and allows more room in the field of play.

7 Field Occupation ..2 Defense – when defending, reduce the playing area as much as possible. Don’t be drawn out of position and leave valuable space open near the goal. Draw imaginery lines from the goal-posts out the junction of the center line and the sideline and always stay within that area. Stay compact and don’t leave gaps or holes -- use field markings when available – now with the multi-purpose turf fields, there are plenty of markings to use for your bearings. Be ready in transition to break out when we win the ball and to ‘fall back’ and ‘drop in’ when we lose the ball – the shape MUST change with ball possession.


9 The 3 Main Moments In Possession
-- Score, Build up to score, Keep possession Out of possession -- Deny Goals, Deny scoring chances, Regain the ball Transition -- from winning the ball and losing the ball -- Think and Play Fast – React Quickly, no hesitation!

10 Elements of Soccer Ball Goals Field Rules Teammates and Opponents
(Referee) (Weather) (Crowd) Players must interact and engage with all of these during the game.

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