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No Huddle No Mercy Offense Jet Series

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1 No Huddle No Mercy Offense Jet Series
Shawn Liotta

2 No Huddle No Mercy Offense
1,728 points scored ( ) (28-2) record Averaged 58 ppg (770) total points - 14 Games Led State of Pennsylvania in Scoring 2014-(958) total points- 16 Games Led State of Pennsylvania in Scoring Established Pennsylvania State Scoring Record Highest Scoring Team in Nation 2nd Highest Scoring Team in History of High School Football

3 Run Game Objectives Play Fast
Ability to Attack the Entire Line Of Scrimmage Have Answers Simple Blocking Rules/ Limited Plays Lots of Motion & Window Dressing Place Defenders in Conflict (Contain and Force Defenders)

4 Run Game Overview 3 Base Concepts Power (Counter) Inside Zone
Outside Zone Complimentary Runs Reverse, Option, Iso, Draw

5 Jet Motion Run Game Jet Sweep Inside Zone Power Counter Gizmo/Gremlin
Fire/Flame Gadgets (Reverse, ect) RPO

6 Defensive Identification
Order Up the Defense – Protect the Box with Screens Limited use of TE to simplify front recognition Advantage of H-Back – More Multiple, Better blocking angles, Can Move him Pre-Snap to gain leverage Playing with Tempo will limit the amount of different fronts and blitzes you will see. Defense will have trouble keeping up with the pace. A lot of the defensive calls will be automatics to formation or motion


8 Base Defensive Front ID
11 defenders, 8 gaps = 437, 514 combinations Must have simple blocking rules that can be applied to any front We face everything from teams who rushed 2 and dropped 9 into coverage to teams who tried to pressure us by bringing 7 defenders We do limited checking at the Line of Scrimmage, so our concepts have to give us an opportunity to have success against any front

9 33

10 32

11 42

12 43

13 34

14 Bear

15 Motions Used In Run Game
Jet Motion YoYo Motion Loop Motion Early Motion River/Lake Motion Ram/ Lion Motion

16 Jet Motion Track SPEED, SPEED, SPEED Fastest play in Football

17 Jet Motion Track Always goes outside unless running into a wall
Carry out fake – but don’t over fake Burst into the fake and grab jersey to simulate ball It is the QB Job to Time the play. It is the Jet Motion Man job to run his track the same way every time

18 Defensive Rotations to Jet Motion
Teams may try to rotate to get an extra defender in the Alley to account for Jet Sweep. These are often unsound looks that we will take advantage of with Play-Action or complimentary runs away from the Jet Motion Teams can rotate their linebackers, secondary, or combination of both in an effort to defend the Jet Sweep Use of extended motion “Rip/Liz” limits the defenses ability to spin the secondary and rotate linebackers In an attempt to get a “numbers” advantage playside the defense will often be vulnerable away from the Jet Motion

19 Secondary Rotation vs. Jet

20 Linebacker in Man coverage with Jet Motion Man

21 Combination of Secondary and Linebacker Rotation to Jet Motion

22 Jet Sweep

23 Jet Sweep Blocking Offensive Line
Offensive Line - Reach and Search Playside Angle of Departure- Work to get to second and third level RB Must Set the Edge to the Force (one & two back) Playside Tackle Must get reach block on Defensive End or run him to the sideline to allow the sweeper to cut upfield

24 Jet Sweep (2-Back)

25 Securing the Edge for 2-Back Jet Sweep
H-Back – Ensure that the End Man on LOS is Reached. Help the Tackle secure the DE “Set the Edge” and work upfield on your track to cut off linebacker scraping over the top Tailback- Run the play as if you were the ball carrier. Block the Force Defender

26 Jet Sweep- Securing the Edge

27 Jet Running into a Wall

28 Jet Sweep- (One Back)

29 Using Formations to Get Numbers Advantage on Jet Sweep
Rambo Tornado Twister Jump Shifts

30 Jet Power

31 Power Blocking Rules Offensive Line
H-Back – Kick out Defensive End. Work inside out through playside number BST- Anchor B-Gap and Hinge BSG- Pull and lead through hole for second linebacker in the box. Stay tight to double team Center- Back Block the A-Gap for puller FSG/FST – Double/Down/ 2nd LB in Box Need movement down the line of scrimmage on double team

32 Jet Power

33 Jet Counter

34 Jet Counter

35 Gizmo

36 Creating Conflict with False Key GIZMO/ GREMLIN
We want to create conflict for contain and force players as much as possible Forces them to play slow and not trust their keys Great Play into the boundary Low Investment – Not a New Concept for Players to Learn



39 Jet Series - RPO

40 RPO Thunder Lightning Storm

41 Lightning

42 Lightning

43 Lightning

44 Lightning

45 Lightning

46 Lightning

47 Lightning

48 Lightning

49 Lightning

50 Lightning- (Base)

51 Thunder

52 Thunder

53 Thunder

54 Thunder

55 Thunder

56 Thunder

57 Thunder

58 Thunder

59 Thunder

60 Storm

61 Storm

62 Storm

63 Storm

64 Storm

65 Mesh Drill

66 Mesh Drill Must Run Each Day at Practice 10 Minute Period
Work on timing for Jet Series All QB, WR, RB and centers Important for the centers to work the timing of the snap with qb Stress Timing and Tempo


68         Contact Information Shawn Liotta

69 Clinic Disk Available All Clinic Power Point Presentations Cutups Game Day Call Sheet Template Practice Schedule/ Script Template QB- 3-Day Install Playbook Available

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